Michael Conor

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Requested By: kayci567

Kayci's Pov:

The day had started out pretty bad. I’d woken up with a stomachache and my head was killing me. Despite my queasy state and my mother’s advice to stay home, I took some painkillers and went to school.

I’d barely been able to focus in class and every time someone mentioned food, I felt like puking. Becky had finally had enough when I almost passed out on our way to the cafeteria and brought me to the nurse, while ignoring me as I told her I’d be fine.

So, here I was, in the passenger seat of my mom’s car on the way back home.

‘’Why didn’t you stay home honey?’’ My mom’s concerned voice rang in my ear, as she turned left.

‘’I don’t like missing school when I’m sick.’’ I mumbled before resting my head on the window.

‘’Aren’t teenagers supposed to be happy to miss school?’’

‘’No, cause every time I miss school, cool stuff happens.’’ My mom’s laughter rang through the car and I frowned slightly.

‘’Alright, we’re almost there. I’ll make you some breakfast, I can’t believe you didn’t eat before you left…’’ The rest of my mother’s rant was lost as I slowly fell asleep, thinking of what cool stuff I’d miss today.

Update on current school stuff: Jenna and Mason just broke up

p.s.: Michael is looking mighty cute today I might steal him :P

I laughed softly at Madison’s text and typed down a quick reply, threatening her to rip all her boy band posters if she approached Michael.

I set my phone away and went back to eating my breakfast, which consisted of chicken noodle soup and some eggs accompanied with toasts. I sipped my soup slowly as my mind drifted off to Michael, his Brown hair and his mesmerizing Brown eyes.

I’d been fortunate enough to be his lab partner and his neighbour in most of our classes, seating arrangements weren’t that bad if you thought about it.

He’d always find a way to make me laugh even if that meant getting in trouble. He was also very smart and had nicely accepted to tutor me in the subjects I was struggling in.

Madison was convinced that he liked me because of the ‘signs’. And also because she’d bluntly asked him he liked me and he and I quote ‘’Blushed and ran away, it was so cute!’’. I could only hope that Madison was right because I really, really liked him.

After finishing my breakfast I drifted off to sleep, with Michael’s sweet smile on my mind.

*Time skip*

Kayci, honey.’’ I groaned and pulled the covers over my head.

‘’I’m sleeping.’’ I said from under the covers.

‘’There’s someone here for you.’’

‘’Not so loud mom.’’ I whined as I pressed the palm of my hand against my forehead.

‘’Alright honey, I’ll let your guest in.’’

The bed moved as my mom got up. I could only make out her voice as she spoke with whoever was outside. It was most likely Michael; we’d always visit each other after school when one of us was sick.

‘’She’s not feeling too well.’’ I heard my mom’s voice and then my door clicking shut.

‘’Hey, Madison.’’ I mumbled weakly, with my head still hidden under the covers.

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