Drew Ramos

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You were in your final year of college. Going out with some friends to a local bar for a celebration for your final week of school was a usual for all your friends and yourself.

You guys were so excited to really start your life. You had it all planned out. Go to school first, get a part time job, after graduation start doing what you were majoring in. All that great stuff.

You ordered some light beer while you were enjoying yourself, laughing with your friends and what not.

"Hey guys!" Says Steve screamed when he reached where your guy are at.

"Hey." Mary  says. She wraps her arms around him and plants one on him.

You stared, you were jealous. You'd admit that. Not who she was with, but more so, she had someone. You had dates here and there. But none really gutted you in the heart.

After there embrace.Steve speaks again with joy." Do you mind if one my friends from work has a drink with us."

"Why the hell not. Becky cheered.

"5 is a crowd." You rejoiced.

After about 5 minutes, Steve friend came. His back was turned, he hugged Steve and they start laughing.

That back looked familiar, you thought to yourself.

"Y/n, this is Drew."Mary says.

He turns around with a bright smile that brought you memories back in high school.

He was your major crush in high school. You liked him since the beginning of freshmen year. You were so incredibly shy though. But you built up enough courage to built some sort of friendship in the end of senior year. You hadn't seen him since that graduation party. Where you were kind of drunk and may or may not confessed your love to him. You didn't dwell on it though because the next week after that, he went to go in the army.

"Drew." You say astonished.

"Hey Y/n." He smiles at you.

"Wait." Becky says." You guys know each other."

"It feels like a lifetime ago." Drew says.

"I know the feeling." You say.

You guys pick up conversation about anything and everything. He just got out the army, and staying home for good, since his mom had fallen sick.

"What's this?" You say while pointing at his arm that had a battle wound on it.

You guys were currently sitting at the bar stools, sharing a duel.

"Oh." His face falters." Well, me and my friend Fred, we were on a mission and-." He couldn't continue.

The wound looked about 1 month old. You looked at his sorrow of eyes. You just grab his hand and don't say another word.

By the end of the night Drew was walking you home. Your apartment was only 3 blocks away, so you walked. By the end of the night. You were just happy to be in the presence of him.

"I'm so glad I bumped into again." Drew smiled down at you.

"Likewise." You smiled back.

You start walking up to your door." Wait."Drew says.

You stop and look back at him.

"How can I contact you?"

You smile and walk step by step towards him. You gave your number to him.

He looked relieved in some way.

With impulse you press you lips to him with a quick kiss. Maybe because you were buzzed, or maybe you didn't give a flying fuck. But you grew some balls.

"Goodnight." You say cheerily and rush into the building.

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