Sergio Calderon

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Your Pov:

Sports Day. The literal worst day that exists at my school. I am the least sporty person that I know, and it doesn't help that Sergio is an athletic/ sports God. He's amazing at everything, which means that although I do get to stare at him all day, he will be busy doing different events, while I only have three to go to. Shotput, Discus, and Javelin.

I'm not the best person at track events, which makes me thankful that they're not compulsory here.

The bus trip is -in three words- long, tedious and boring, but gives me time to listen to music and chat with some of my friends. Apparently, some scandal happened because Ashleigh messaged this random popular guy to say 'hi' and now the entire year level thinks that she likes him. Absolute Bullshit.

Once we arrive, the entire school files out of the few buses hired to take us there, and we get set up. There is no formal announcement for the beginning of the day, but we each have individualized pieces of paper with our events and times on them. My first event is Javelin at 9:00, then Shotput at 10:25 and Discus at 12:20.

I check the time. 8:53. I put my bag down and walk to the Javelin event with my friends. We arrive and the event goes quite well. I even managed to get third place, and proudly pin my ribbon to my shirt. I then go back to the bleachers where the rest of the non-competing students are. I talk with my friends until it's 10:25 and I are about to make my way to the shotput area, when my best friend, Emily stops me.

"Hey Y/N look," Emily points, " Sergio is doing  the long jump."

She's known that Sergio has been my crush for pretty much forever, and he also just so happens to be my neighbor, so our families are really close.

 I look over, and sure enough, Sergio is looking up and smiling at me. He then waves, and before I can wave back, all his fellow competitors are calling and telling him it's his jump. I look away so as to not distract him anymore and I go to my event.

Coming back from shotput, there is chatter about someone who was injured in an event and had to be wheeled off in a wheelchair. I can't help but be worried. Who could it be? Are they alright?

Before I go to my discus event, I get a call on my phone. It's Sergio's mum, Carol.

"Hello, Y/N?"

"Yes, It's me, Carol, are you alright?" I ask, worried about the tone of her voice.

"I'm alright, it's Sergio " Carol begins, "He's at the hospital."

"Oh my God, can I come?"

"Y/N, I've talked to the heads of sport and your teachers, you can come and meet Lucy out the front and she'll bring you here. Thank you for caring dear."

"Oh anytime, I'll come right now. Look after him."

I turn to my friends and explain that I need to leave. I then go out of the stadium and meet Lucy, Sergio's sister outside at her car.

"Y/N, thanks for coming."

"Anytime, I'm just glad you guys are letting me see him."

"Well, he asked for you," Lucy replies, "And I'm glad he did."

I nod. Within ten minutes, we arrive at the hospital and I hug both Lucy and Carol. "Can I see him?"

Carol nods. "We've both already been in, and his dad's on his way."

"Okay, I'll be right out."

I step into the hospital room and time stops. Y/C/N is lying on the hospital bed, now in a hospital gown, with his leg slightly propped up.

"Hey Sergio, it's me, Y/N," I say gently.

He laughs. "I know, I asked for you, you idiot."

"What happened?" I ask, standing near his bed.

"Well just as I was about to have my turn in the long jump, I saw this beautiful girl in the crowd and I was distracted, and then rushed into my jump. I tore my hamstring and they've propped it up and taken me here so they can see if I've done any more damage.

 It was the worst pain I've ever felt. I couldn't walk. They had to wheel me to an ambulance in a wheelchair. They said I'll need crutches. It was so embarrassing and then when I got here mum asked who I wanted to see and I said you, and here we are." He explains.

"Wow, Sergio." I begin, completely speechless. "That's terrible. Wait-who was that girl? I swear to God I'll kill her and I'll make it look like an accident."

" was you."

"Me?" I begin, shocked. "No it can't be, you said she was beautiful."


" Sergio-"

"No, Y/N, I want to get this out there now, because I can't be a chicken like usual and run away. I love you, I always have, at first I thought it was because you were like another sister to me, but I've realized it's so much more than that. You are perfect, amazing, and I hope that you will never change. Y/N I would be the luckiest guy in the world without doubt if I was your boyfriend, so what do you say?"

I nod, tears forming in my eyes. "I love you too Sergio, and I'd love to call you my boyfriend."

"Now, come over here and kiss me, because I can't exactly come over."

I giggle and walk over to him, leaning down and kissing him passionately on the lips. "I love you girlfriend."

"I love you too."

I'm sorry if I used your name in the imagine, it was the first name that came to my mind. But anyways hope you guys enjoyed this imagine.

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