Michael Conor

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Requested By: kayci567

Kayci's Pov:

It was perfectly normal, right? I mean, these kinds of things happen all the time to everyone, right?

It’s not like I’m the person to ever get stuck at the pool, alone. I groaned before pulling on the lock again, desperately trying to get it to open. I sighed and banged my head against the metal fence.

‘’Hey, don’t hurt yourself.’’

I jumped away from the fence and swirled around, a hand over my heart as I searched for the owner of the voice in the dark.

‘’Who’s here?’’ I asked, walking back until my back touched the fence. I heard footsteps on the concrete approaching me and I shut my eyes tightly.

‘’Please don’t hurt me.’’ I pleaded, with my heart beating out of my chest.

‘’Me? Hurt you? I would never.’’ The guy chuckled and I screamed when I felt him grab my hand.

‘’Kayci realx,’’ He chuckled and I frowned before opening my eyes. ‘’It’s just me.’’

I could finally make out his face in the darkness. He was smiling down at me and his Brown hair was still wet from when he jumped in the pool earlier before we got locked up. Michael laughed again before dropping my hand and taking a step back.

‘’We’re locked.’’ I pointed out after a few seconds. I frowned as I looked back at the fence; it was impossible to climb over so that was out.

I looked back at Michael and he shrugged before holding his hand out to me.

‘’I noticed but-‘’

‘’Hey don’t you have the keys!’’ My eyes widened as I grabbed his forearms, gripping them tightly as I shook him back and forth.

He laughed before pulling his arms out of my not-so-tight grip and pulling me along with him.

‘’No, I don’t. Not yet. The boss doesn’t trust me enough because I just started.’’ My eyes travelled down his bare back as he spoke and I shook my head when my gaze lingered for a bit too long on his ass.

When we stopped walking, we were back at the pool, next to his lifeguard chair. He sighed before dropping my hand and sitting down on the concrete. I looked down at him with a frown.

‘’What are you doing?’’

It was Michael’s turn to frown as he looked up at me. ‘’Sitting down?’’

‘’You cannot sit down! We have to get out of here!’’ I yelled, my arms flailing behind me.

Michael got to his feet and gently grabbed my shoulders. ‘’There’s no way we can get out without a key. You’ve seen the fence; impossible to climb. 

And that’s the only way out. I’m sorry but we’re gonna have to stay here all night.’’ Michael looked worriedly at me as he explained to me that we weren’t leaving this place any time soon.

‘’Can’t you call Sergio?’’ I asked, almost whining as I looked up at him with pleading eyes.

‘’Phone’s dead. Can you call?’’

I shook my head before slapping a hand on my forehead. ‘’Also dead.’’

‘’Don’t worry,’’ Michael pulled me into his side and rubbed my shoulder gently. ‘’I’m sure someone will come back for us. Your parents know where you are right?’’

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