Drew Ramos

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You were nervous. Mildly nervous. How could you do this? It was Friday, a very cold wintery day but that didn't stop you.

Drew has been sick for three days, and he's been home for those three days. You knew this because well... you hadn't seen him in class, and on snapchat, he posted that he was sick with some type of cold. You were not the closest to him, yet here you stand.

It took all the guts in you to do this, and here you freaking stood. Your hand raised to the intimating door, but it soon fell afterward. It rose again, but hesitation was clear within yourself. Your feet took a back step ready to leave with your hot cup of soup and some green tea that your mom made from scratch. You almost decided to leave it here, but you were afraid it would run cold if no one was coming out anytime soon.

You were wrong.

The door swung open, only to reveal Drew's mother. She was just as surprised as you were. "Oh, hello there." She smiles at you, but there was clear confusion in her.

"Uh-hi." You muster out.

"Not to be rude, dear... but who are you?"

"I-uh- I'm Drew classmate. I wanted to give him some soup." Your voice rushed and haste.

"Oh, how thoughtful." She pauses, "Well I'm in a rush right now. Let yourself in, his room is upstairs on the right. I'm sure he'll love it!" She starts walking past you towards her car that's parked. She stops midway, "What's your name?"


"Sounds familiar." She mutters and continues on her way.

Your body was aching with embarrassment. How were you going to do this? You entered the house with a slam to the door. Your eyes were nervous as you took in his house.

You started with the steps and saw his door cracked.

"Mom, is that you?" You heard Drew ask.

No going back now I suppose. "No." You mumble as you open the door to only see Drew laying in bed with sniffles. His eyes furrowed deeply with deep confusion.

"W-what are you doing here?" His voice wasn't mean but sounded very mildly annoyed.

"I-I." You look down again afraid if this was a mistake, "You hadn't been at school for a couple days, and I knew you were sick. I bought some homemade tea and some soup." You jester your items forward for emphasis.

His eyes widen. "Oh." He mumbles, looking down at his bed sheets. "Sorry I just... well, I look like crap." He apologizes for his rude introduction.

You smile, "Well I always look like shit." You joke.

"No, you don't." He laughs, but he's sincere.

You still stand there by his doorway for a moment when the laughter dies down. You don't know what to do next. "Don't just stand there, be my nurse." He fake coughs. "Oh nurse, I think I need some soup!"

You laugh again and hand him the soup and tea.

You somehow ended up in his bed, sitting next to him. He kept praising the tea saying it's the best he's ever had. You'd blush at him. Disney movies played in the background, and you found yourself loosening up with him. You realized he was just a normal guy, a normal guy with a big heart.

Now you lay below him with his head heavy on your stomach, arms encircled around your waist to keep you secure.

Maybe you'd get sick, but you frankly didn't care in that moment.

Aww so cute. I hope you guys enjoyed this Imagine. Don't forget that my requests are open


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