Drew Ramos

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It was the end of the year bonfire party that your friend invited you too. He was leaving this year along with the rest of 2015 class. Along with Drew...

You were deeply upset when you heard the rumor that he was going to college at NYU. But you didn't know if it was true or not. You wanted to ask him, but you didn't have the guts to, you didn't want to know the truth. So for a while you kinda avoided him. You can never escape him though, he was one of your best friends.

And here you were, sitting on a stump, looking at the distance of the beach and the moon rising, a distance away from the whole party.

"Hey! Y/n." You heard a voice and you knew who exactly who it was.


You turn around with a fake smile." Hey. Having fun."

"Yup. But it would be more fun if I knew where you were here earlier. You didn't get my text?"

"Oh, sorry. I must not have seen it." You lie. You saw it, but you couldn't face him.

"That's fine. I'm just glad your here."

You nod to him and look back. You felt bad you were giving him the cold shoulder, but you had to, you had to ease the pain.

"Are you okay. It seems you've been ignoring me or something?" He asks.

You nod your head. You avoid the question." The night looks nice out."

"Yeah." He mutters. He sighs realizing you didn't want to talk about it.

Silent passes and you think he must have left, but then you hear a click.

"Wow, beautiful." He mumbles to himself.

Drew always brings his camera with him, so you weren't surprised with his revaluation. You turn back around." Let me see."

"Nope." He pops the p.

You roll your eyes, not letting his playfulness move you in. You turn back around and continue to stare.

"Beautiful." He says.

"Yeah, the sky is beautiful."

"I wasn't talking about the sky y/n."

You smile and blush. You turn back around to see his grin forming.

"You're being cheesy." You push his shoulder.


"No, no. I like cheesy."

"I like you." He blurts out you.


"No, I don't like you." Your heart takes a little tweak that maybe rejection will help moving on." I more than like you y/n." He finishes his sentence.

" Drew, I..." Your eyes felt watery.

You start moving your hand away from his shoulder, but he grasps his and holds down firmly." Don't. Don't say anything. Because I know for sure as hell, you feel something between us."

"I do, but-" And that's what it took. He connects his lips with yours, still holding your hand that's to his shoulder. Tears stream down your face and you swear that Drew was tearing up too. You start to let go of the feeling of pain and grasp more to him.

 You put your arms around Drew and he puts him on your cheeks to keep you secure. Each kiss kept getting more urgent and urgent till you were really getting into it. You could barely even breath at all.

"Ew. Get a room." You hear your friend Josh, he walks off.

You pull fast, but your arms were still around him, likewise with he was doing the same. You saw his face with bright cheeks and you knew for sure he was tearing up. Because whenever he cries his cheeks turn pink. His eyes glisten a little." I love you y/n."

"Don't say that," You shake your head, his breath fanning your face. You start to pull away but he tightens his hands to keep you in place.

"Why? Why should keep this bottle inside? You've been avoiding me y/n. Now is a good time. I love you for god sakes. If you don't feel the same. Fine. I just wanted you to know."

You pull back away a little to give each other space and his hands fall down to your hips, and yours fall to your sides.

"You can't do that Drew. You can't say that when you're leaving for NYU soon. I have school for another year. I heard rumors about the NYU. Why didn't you tell me?" Your moisture was coming back around your eyes." I have school for another year."

"That's an option for NYU. I applied to NYU. I'll admit, but I also applied to Cal State Long Beach too. I got into both. NYU was my dream college, but what if I have a different dream."

"I'm not letting your future be based on me Drew. You wanted to go live in New York since you were freshmen. The city that never sleeps at night. The city of photography. That's where you belong. And I'm not letting you make me your dream." You start to get up and walk away.

"So you don't love me?" He shouts to you.

You stop and turn back "I do love you. I always will."

He goes silent and you start walking again.

"You don't love me as much as I love you." He shouts again.

That made you feel infuriated. You ran back to him." How dare you put the pressure on me y/c! I fucking love you. I've loved you since freshmen year. 

I was your small little best friend. Who never spoke her mouth till now. So don't you dare say that I don't love you as much as you love me." You start to turn back around, but he stands right back up.

"You're right. You never did speak your mind. So how was I to know you had feelings for me? That you loved me? Because of I sure as hell did."

You stop again and turn to him with tears streaming." You can't make me be your future. Your futures in New York. What if we don't work out and you blame me in the end." You whisper.

He walks closer to you." We'll never know until we try."

"I can't be your future." You mumble once more.

"You're not the only thing in my future. You, our wedding day, our kids, our house we'll grow old in." Each step he takes to you. He holds your waist. "You connect to so much more to OUR future.

"Stop with cheesy stuff." You break into a sad smile.

"It's not cheese. I promise." He smiles back." Let's not even talk future anyways. Let's live in now. Now. I'm going to stay in California. Not for you, but for me. Because you may think New York will make me happy, but I have happiness right in front of my eyes. So why travel?"

You shake your head."  Drew ..."

"Y/n. Forget New York." He put his hands back on your cheeks.

You instantly put your arms around his waist as your lips reconnect.

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