Brady Tutton

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Last week, he barely paid any attention to you. It’s probably best to move on…. but not without a fight. Of course he meant the world to you at one point, but he just paid more attention to other girls more than you, and you would not be treated like a second choice again. You’re setting you’re eyes on a new guy, a better guy..

It’s Monday, and you’re starting the week with a bang! You wear the cutest outfit you’ve ever worn (thanks to weekend shopping), and you do you’re hair and makeup as perfect as you could, while strutting in the halls of your school the most confident you’ve ever been. All to show Jake what he’s missing. But, Brady has been flirting with you for the past month, and since you’re over Jake you can focus on him now. And make sure Jake is watching.

“Well, well, well, look at the cutie.” Brady remarks looking you up in down with his deep, lustful brown eyes.

“Is that so,” you say back feeling extra flirty while acknowledging Jake staring at the two of you.

He steps very close to you, so that your bodies are nearly pressing against each other. You hear Jake  slam hiss locker shoot you a glare and walks to Algebra 2 class. Serves him right for treating you like the dirt beneath his fingernails, but thanks to him, you’ve got a better guy who’s clearly into you, and the feelings are mutual, so you don’t feel bad.

“Babe, let me walk you to Algebra.”Brady
says with a wink. You can’t contain yourself because you can’t BELIEVE he just called you babe, but you act cool and walk with him.

Brady sits right next to you, and Jake sits behind you two. The sexual tension between you two remains even though Jake is there. You’re talking to Brady about the gossip that’s going around on Twitter and in school, but the whole time, Brady either stares into your eyes w/x stopping for a long time, glances at your boobs and staring at your lips. He’s so resistible and you don’t mind, but you joke and say, “My eyes are up here, but try not to stare at them for too long.”

He replies, “Oh really? Make me.” in a stern yet quiet voice, staring at your eyes the whole time. You feel goosebumps. Through out the entire class, Jake notices the intense flirting, but you don’t care anymore. Brady sneaks random moans every now and again because he knows it drives you crazy.

The bell rings and you can’t take it anymore, when you and Brady exit the classroom, you pull him in a kiss. Surprisingly, he kisses you back harder, moving his hands to your butt, and squeezing it.

His hands are all over you’re body, and his lips are just so soft and the kissing gets more intense. It’s like he’s been waiting to do this to you for the longest time. Things get real heated and he bites your lip. He stops and says, “I can check that off my bucket list, but uh maybe we should get a room.” with a wink.

“Maybe next time,” you tease back.

“Well then I can’t wait to see my girlfriend tomorrow night at my place.” He says with that adorable smile, and we both smiled at each other as if this was the beginning of the world.

I hoped you guys enjoyed this Brady imagine I will see you guys tommrow with a new chapter


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