I got lost in thought as I heard my name being called. I stood up rather quickly and walked away with the nurse. "Alrightyyy Miss Emari how have you been feeling lately?" She asked with a smile on her face as we made our way to the bright orange room. "I've been ok, but the twins haven't been kicking as much as usual so that kind of has me worried." I explained to her. She nodded her head as she wrote down everything I told her. "Ok have you been using the Fetal Doppler we sent with you?" She asked becoming concerned. "Yes of course I monitor their hearts twice a day every day, once when I wake up and once before I go to bed. I didn't get a chance to this morning since I was running a bit late." She jotted everything down nodding in response. "Ok and how has the heart rates been?" "Baby A has been perfect a steady 125bpm, but Baby B has been a bit slower about 110bpm." She brought her gaze up to meet mine raising an eyebrow as she set the pen and paper down.

She grabbed her stethoscope and made her way towards me. "I'm just gonna take a listen ok?" She said almost with a worry in her voice. I nodded slowly as she placed the cold metal to my chest.

After a minute she nodded approvingly as she wrapped the cord over her shoulders and said the doctor will be in shortly.

After what seemed like a lifetime the doctor strolled in bringing and ultrasound with her. "Hello Emari how are doing." I sighed as I told her I was fine. "Why are we doing an ultrasound today I thought we didn't have to do one until two more weeks?" I asked becoming concerned. "We need to check on Baby B to make sure everything is ok." She explained. "Is there something wrong?" I asked my heart beating faster at her words. "Let's hope not." She gave a small smile.

She began to turn the machine on and grabbed the gel from the tray and began to shake it up. Once the machines screen came to full view she asked me to lift my hoodie up. I lifted it slowly exposing my big belly. "Your belly gets bigger and bigger every time I see you." She giggled as she pat my stomach.

Yeah no shit I have growing humans in me.

I rolled my eyes at her comment and prepared for the gel. "It's warm this time I promise." "Thank the lord." I chuckled a bit causing her to laugh as well. "Alright let's see what's going on." She place the finally warm gel across my stomach and placed the monitor over the spot where Baby A is. She watched the monitor closely looking for anything that seemed out of the ordinary. She occasionally nodded her head which I hoped was an everything looks good gesture. "Baby A looks as good as always now let's check on Baby B." I nodded my head but became worried considering this was the baby she was more concerned about. Once she placed the monitor over Baby B she immediately furrowed her eyebrows together. She scooted closer to the screen examining it fully. "Hmmmmm." She hummed which made my anxiety sky rocket. "What what's going on? Is everything ok? Is my baby alright?" I asked her in a panic. She let it a long sigh as she dropped the monitor and began wiping the gel off my stomach.

"There seems to be a problem with Baby B Emari."


Grayson's POV
"LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOO!!!!" Josh screamed shaking a bottle of champagne and spraying it into the crowd trying to rile the party up. The music blared intensely causing the windows to shake. Smoke filled the air making it almost impossible to see.

I laughed and stood against the wall watching the people in the room jump up and down as if they were in a mosh pit. I reached into my pocket grabbing my lighter and an old friend of mine. I put it between my lips and lit it up taking a long breath in before releasing it out causing a cloud of smoke form above my head.

I missed this.

I missed the partying, the smoking, even the drinking. But I still don't know why I ever stopped.

Bygone-G.DTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon