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You can play song whenever! Just play on repeat:)

Grayson's POV

"I loved her. I loved every inch of her beautiful soul and body. I remember the first time we met and how I fell in love with her the first time I laid eyes on her. We were fourteen at the time but we didn't care. She didn't know it but when she walked through the doors on the first day wearing a white thrasher shirt and a black, ripped up denim jacket and ripped up black skinny jeans with black converse, her hair was half up and half down and straightened and she had only mascara on. People thought she was weird for wearing what she wore but I thought she was beautiful. From the day on my eyes were on her. She was effortlessly beautiful and she didn't care what other people thought about her. She did her own thing with or without friends by her side if she had her mind set on something then she would do it with no hesitation. Ever since I was in that accident though everything had changed from perfect to everything turning dark. When I had her in my life it was warm and full of life and love. But the day I left and I no longer had her my world turned dark, cold and had no meaning. Once the memories started to come back that's when I fell in love with her all over again. I appreciated her so much more. I hoped she would forgive me for the way I treated her while I was recovering. She was always a forgiving person and I just wish I would have remembered sooner cause maybe then I could have saved her. I could have saved her from the darkness overwhelming her. I could have saved her from the evil that corrupted her. I could have saved her from everything. I could have brought her back to life. But I was to late. It's my fault. I'm the reason why she is where she is. And I hate myself for that. I'm left with no one once again besides the support from my parents. Emari, i love you very much. I can only hope the best for you and I wish I could join you. I hope your receiving everything you always wanted.

My voice cracked from how much I talked but also from how hard I was holding my tears back. But that wasn't possible. As soon as I laid my hand on her casket I lost it. I fell to my knees and rested my head upon her coffin crying hysterically.

I felt hands on my back trying to comfort me but I was broken. I've lost my best friend and now I've lost my first lover.

My only lover.

Only a few people showed up that being my parents and I and also some guy named Mark. He didn't say anything just stood to the side with his black umbrella in his hand as the rain pounded a little harder on us.

I finally stood to my feet still having tears fall from my tired eyes as they began to lower her into the cold dark earth. I stood watching them lower her further and further.

Before she got to low I paused them from continuing and dig into my pocket. "Can I open it one last time please?" The groundskeeper looked at each other and nodded their head as they opened the casket and their she was. Still beautiful just no color added to her face.

I grabbed her cold hand and rubbed my thumb over the back of her hand wanting to warm it so bad. I grabbed her left hand and found her marital finger and slid the ring down on it.

I never got rid of the ring. I always felt it had a significance with it so I kept it. Then I remembered buying it with Ethan that day at the parlor. And that's when I knew my love was foreal. After I placed it on her hand I gently laid it back down and kissed her forehead causing my lips to become frozen.

"I love you so fucking much." I cried to her as I pulled away slowly and closed the top of her casket. I nodded my head for them to continue and they began to lower her once again.

Once she was lowered all the way I grabbed a handful of sand and tossed it down into the hole landing on her casket. I turned my attention to my parents seeing their pained faces filled with sorrow, and regret.

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