E5P5: "Big Catfish"

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Jungkook stood at the door with his dark blue luggage in his hand, smiling awkwardly

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Jungkook stood at the door with his dark blue luggage in his hand, smiling awkwardly. Seokjin finally realised after a minute or two.
Seokjin: Oh no! Sorry, we had some internal conflict for a while there. Please come in.
Seokjin grabbed Jungkook's luggage and helped him wheel it in.
Jungkook: Ah- thank you so much.
Seokjin smiled and shut the door behind him.
Seokjin: No worries. Shall we head up to the living room?
At that moment, the bell rang for the second time. The residents gasped for the second time in the last 10 minutes. A smile spread across the guys' faces this time.
Seokjin: Another housemate?

[Heart Signal Panel]

Jongshin: No way- two catfish at once?!
Sangmin: This is the first time ever right? On the show?
Eana: I'm not even over Jungkook-ssi appearing yet, please-

[Signal House Basement, 10:33 p.m.]

Seokjin opened the door. There stood a girl who was wearing a simple white shirt dress and black boots. She had long straight black hair which were tucked neatly behind her ears that were pierced with long silver dangle earrings. She had very light make-up but that highlighted her good looks even more. She was curvy and evidently has the best figure amongst all the female members. She had the typical girl crush kind of look but contrary to her looks, she smiled warmly at the members.

[Heart Signal Panel]

Eana: Oh my gosh- can anyone ever be this pretty? She's such a girl crush yet she has aegyo too and just look at her figure!
Jongshin: She's a biiiiiig catfish indeed - if her job is something cool, I think all the guys will flock to her.
V: Nope, I don't think Jimin-ssi is going anywhere, LOL. I hope not.

[Hearteu Cafe, Pre-recorded]

<Shin Suran, Signal House's 8th Resident>

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<Shin Suran, Signal House's 8th Resident>

Suran: Hi! I'm Suran. I tried to join Signal House in the first and second season too - but only got selected for this season. The reason why I've been wanting to join this programme is because I think it's very meaningful. There is no other place that I will be able to mix around with people from different walks of life and establish wonderful friendships and even a new relationship. If I meet the correct person, I would love to start a relationship with him.
Suran smiled sweetly into the camera.

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