DDLC x FNAF Crossover Alternate Ending

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*Tiny trigger warning like last chapter.*

"(Y/N)!" Jeremy knocked you out of your thoughts.
"Huh? Sorry, what's going on?"
"W-We're going to the literature club, r-remember? I'm the new president."
"O-Oh. Yeah. Is Mike going to be there?"
"Mike S-Schmidt? The football player? He b-barely reads in class!" Jeremy chuckled. "C-C'mon!"

The two of you made your way to the literature club that was littered in posters of Jeremy's favorite anime and manga series. No one complained, since Jeremy let them put posters of what they liked on the wall, too.
"Guys, she's here!" Jeremy exclaimed, pulling Vincent and Fritz over. Like before, Vincent was reading his book on knives, and Fritz was holding his Fairy Tail manga, finger in between the pages he was reading so he wouldn't lose his spot. "T-This is (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Vincent." Vincent stabbed himself in the stomach and fell over, bleeding all over  your shoes. "A-And t-this is Fritz." Fritz's eyes rolled back into his skull as he walked backwards and slumped in a corner, hand clamped over his mouth. "A-And now we're alone. As it needed to be."
"I-I know what Mike did to u-us, (Y/N). And I m-made sure that he wouldn't do it again. The only person who you should be with is m-me. Just Jeremy, (Y/N)." Jeremy held a rope to your neck, tying it like a noose like Mike did to him. "Til death due us p-part."
"Alright you psycho," Mike kicked down the door to the literature club, cutting the rope from your neck and shoving Jeremy away. "That's enough. Leave (Y/N) alone before I get involved." Jeremy stood his ground, Vincent and Fritz still under his control. "Fine then. Suit yourself." With a snap of his fingers, the entire literature club was gone. Jeremy, Fritz, Vincent, and Mike were gone with it. You were in front of the school, with blood on your shoes and a shocked face.
"That was an...experience." You commented.

You woke up in your bedroom in a cold sweat. A dream within a dream, like inception.
"It's Saturday. Thank God," You reached over to your phone to check the time and your notifications. At the top of the list, a text from an unknown number was catching your eye.
"(Y/N), I'm sorry for everything that happened to you. I'm the real psycho. But, everyone else is fine, healthy and well. As for me, I've moved on. I'm transferring to a new school, to start new. I'm sorry for any pain or mental scarring I've caused. The literature club was meant to be a safe place for people to express their interests, but my dream has turned into a nightmare. I hope you have a great rest of the school year, and I also hope you end up with Jeremy. He's a good kid, but he needs you to be there for him. Tell him that you love and care about him, alright?
"Well wasn't that proper." You smiled to yourself and quickly texted Jeremy.

(Y/N): Hey Jere meet up for lunch?

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