Chapter 33

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I woke up feeling a sensation of weakness spreading through my entire body. I can't seem to get up of bed. I am still in Theo's bedroom. Flashes of what happened come in my mind. He made me feel so good. His hands on my body, feeling him inside me, filling me up... his fangs... my mind snaps out of my daydream as I reach towards my neck and feel to punctured wounds that have already healed. He bit me! I don't know how to react. Should I panick? Should I keep it cool? I am alive, after all. He didn't hurt me. I didn't even realize he bit me.

I snap out of my thoughts as Theo enters the door carrying a tray with some delicious pork ribs, french fries and a lot of green veggies. There's also a bottle of red wine. I decide to play it cool and just let this whole thing go.

'What time is it?' I find myself struggling to smile at him.

'It's almost 7 pm. I made us dinner.' He says while putting the tray on the floor.

'And you want us to eat on the floor?' I manage to really smile at his gesture.

'Why not?' He looks at me with a guilty look on his face.

I decide to humour him and sit down on the floor in front of fhe tray and start eating. We don't say anything the entire time. Theo pours us some red wine and that's when I decide to raise the topic.

'What happened this morning?' I ask him whie drinking my wine.

'Please...' he begs.

'Tell me, Theo.' I asl him calmly while looking into his eyes.

'I bit you.' He blurts out not believing he just told me. He looks so confused. 'Why did I just tell you that?'

'Because I wanted you to tell me.' I smirk at him.

'Did you just use your powers on me?'

'I don't know. Is there a full moon today?' I ask him confused.

'I think so...' he says.

'The problem still stands. You bit me. You drank from my blood.' I scold him.

'I asked you if you trust me.' He tries to excuse himself but I'm not quite buying it.

'But you didn't fuck your whores to oblivion, Theo!' I tell him disgusted.

'Don't do that, Rose. It's not like that.' His guilt is even more visible on his face.

'Than what is it, Theo? Why did I faint? I mean, yeah, it was one hell of a fuck, but you bit me!' I lose my temper.

'The bite was meant to increase both our pleasure but I lost control.'

'You did WHAT?' I jump up on my feet.

'Please, dimples. Don't be scared of me. I can't take that. I will never bite you again. I swear it.' His voice is pleading and full with remorse. It softens my heart to see him so exposed, so open. I sit on the floor next to him and take his hand.

'We really need to talk about a lot of things if we are going to make this work. And you also need to figure out how to make me immortal.' I smile at him and lean my head on his shoulder.

'We will, tomorrow, when we go visit my parents. But for now, let's just watch movies until we fall asleep.'

He goes to the kitchen to dispose of the tray and then returns to the bedroom. We both cuddle under the blanket and fall asleep in each other's arms.


My mom started crying the minute we walked through the door holding hands. She was so happy that I was afraid she would faint.

I let her and Rose chatting in the living room while me and dad went to his office to have a drink and a talk of our own. I told him the entire story that Rose shared with me.

'So the old witch or whatever she was told her you have the solution to her not being immortal.' My dad takes a sip from his glass.

'Well, yeah. The problem is I have no idea what to do.' I run my hand through my hair nervously.

'Tell me, Theo. Do you love her?'

'More than anything in the world.' I answer him truthfully.

'More than her blood?' He asks me while raising his eyebrow.

'How...' I start speaking but he cuts me off.

'I've seen your bite on her neck. She is pale and her heartbeat is irregular. You fed on her.' His voice is cold and scolding.

'I didn't mean to feed on her. I lost control. Her blood is exquisite. It feels better than any drug I have ever tried.'

He gives me an ugly glare but I continue speaking.

'Don't you dare judge me. You've had 600 years of whoring around, drinking and doing drugs before you met mom.'

'Yeah, but I never fed on her.' He crushes the glass in his hand with anger.

'I don't need to know what you and mom do in the bedroom.'

'She's pregnant, you know...'

'Who?' My blood freezes in my veins.

'Your mother. She is pregnant. I haven't told her yet. I am afraid she will lose the baby because she will stress too much over what happened with your stillborn sister.' He lowers his head while his hand starts healing from the cuts.

'Dad... It will be ok. Everybody will be fine. Just buy all the necessary equipment to do a C-section, just to have all the scenarios covered.' I tell him sincerely.

I still remember that day like it was yesterday. It was the most horrible experience I have ever lived. I can understand my father's concern and I can't deny I also have my fears.

'So when are you going to tell her? I mean, she will eventually figure it out by herself.'

'I'll just let her figure it out. It's not like your mother likes drinking or stuff.'

'Yeah, you're right about that. That woman is an angel.' I smile at him while taking another sip from my glass.

He gets up from his chair and pours himself a new glass of scotch.

'So what do you think is the solution for my problem?' I ask him.

'Come on, Theo. You are smarter than that. Haven't you figured it out already?' My father teases me.

'Not really.' I answer him confused.

'You said you love her.'

'I do. I would give my life for her.' I reassure him.

'Are you sure of that? Are you sure you are willing to spend an eternity with this woman?' He presses on every word.

'Yes, dad. How many times do I have to repeat myself?' I ask him slightly annoyed.

'You need to turn her into a vampire.'



So, Selena is having another baby and Rose needs to become a vampire. Any thoughts on the new baby name? Boy or girl?

Don't forget to vote and comment!

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