Chapter 11

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I spent half a day shopping for groceries. I finally decided to go home but only because I knew the maid was supposed to arrive at some point today. It was already 2pm when I pulled the car in the driveway.

Theo greeted me immediately. He didn't say anything. He just took the bags out of the trunk and went back to the house.

I pick up the bag he left behind and follow him to the kitchen. He's putting the groceries away in the fridge. He seems totally pissed off.

'You know, I should be the one acting up and throwing a tantrum around here, not you.' I decide to speak.

'And aren't you doing that already?' He asks visibly annoyed.

'You know me so little. But again, you spent 2 weeks with me and then another one awake before you left me like a pet in the care of your sister. So yeah, let me introduce myself again.' I tell him feeling anger build in my veins.

'Hi. My name is Rose Williams. My uncle used to call me Angel. Your sister and her husband call me Rosie. I am 18 years old and I am a student at the University of Malta.' His eyes grow wide when he hears the last phrase. I continue speaking.

'Yeah, you heard me right. You are stuck with me in this house, unless you want to kick me out on the streets with no money of my own yet.' I hiss at him.

'How about that for a tantrum? You coward!' Finally... I said it. It feels so good but somehow he doesn't seem affected by my words at all. His face looks like it's made of stone. No smirk, no anger, nothing.

'Are you done with this cheap theatre act?' He asks me while raising his eyebrow looking all bored.

'What the fuck happened to you? I figured that maybe you cared about me, even though I haven't heard a single word from you for more than four years.' I ask him furious.

'Oh! Look who decided to grow her vocabulary, well apart from the other parts that have obviously grown.' His eyes glow with a new emotion, one I've never seen on him. The way he studies me from head to toes makes me blush and feel uncomfortable.

'Stop that!' I tell him. He comes closer to me, not breaking eye contact.

'Stop what?' He tells me while studying my entire face.

'Whatever you are doing. It's not gonna work. I am staying here.'

'Then I hope you know what you're signing up for, because I am back and I will stay and I won't change my ways just because you are here.' He tells me while running his finger down my cheek and making my body feel weird.

What on earth is wrong with me today? I ask myself while moving away from him.

'Fine... I'm making pork steak. It should be ready in about an hour and a half. Why don't you go and put on a t-shirt or something?' I ask him without looking at him.

'But I thought you loved to study my muscles.' He tells me while a smirk appears on his lips.

'Eewww... why would I do that, old man?' I throw a towel at him and he cathes it in the air.

He moves dangerously close to me and whispers to my ear.

'Because this old man still looks like he's 25 years old and he will look like this for many many years to come.' He lightly touches me with his lips while whispering to my ear and my entire body light up with bolts of electricity. I hold my breath untill he moves away from me, not being able to understand what's happening.

'I don't know what game you are playing, but it's not gonna work. Now you can stay and help me cook or you can go away.' I tell him while arranging my dress.

'So no more tantrums? That's all you got?' He mocks me.

'I'm trying to be civilised, here. You have clearly changed and don't give a fuck about me being here or not, so I might as well try to tolerate you.'

'You can always leave.' He smirks at me.

'No. It's your duty to be my guardian untill I'm 22. And whether you like it or not, I will make sure you do it.' I hiss at him.

'Whatever makes you sleep at night, princess.' He says looking bored.

'You know what? I'm not hungry anymore. Cook your own damn food.' I tell him and go to my bedroom.


Seeing her leave so angry brought a sense of fulfilment. I don't know why I teased her like that, but I loved it. If she wants to stay here, she will have to learn that I don't give a fuck and that she will receive the same treatment as any other women in my life. She is not family. She is a stranger for me as much as I am for her.

I pick up the ingredients she left on the counter and begin cooking. One hour and a half later the entire house smells like barbequed pork ribs. That's gonna lure her out of her cave. I tell myself while a small smile spreads across my lips.

As I go to the dinning area I see her sitting in front of the piano, looking out the window. It's raining outside and the entire room is chilly because the door to the pool is wide opened. She looks lost, she looks hurt. Suddenly, all I can feel is guilt. I hurt her.

She turns around and sees me coming with food in my hands. I put the plates on the table and walk towards her.

'Just let me be.' She tells me while walking towards the open door and looking at the rain.

But I don't want to let her be. I want to hug her and tell her everything that has happened to me. But I can't. I walk behind her and place my hand on her shoulder but she shakes it away, going outside in the summer rain.

'Are you crazy? Get back inside!' I follow her out.

'Just leave me alone, Theo! I don't know you anymore. I don't know myself anymore! Why did you leave me, Theo?'

'I...' I try to say something to her but my words fail me.

'You what, Theo? You thought I wasn't good enough for you to stay? You didn't care about me? Everybody else left me in this world! Why did you even buy me this fucking necklace?' She brings her hand to her neck and pulls her necklace off, breaking it and throwing it at me.

Now it's my turn to feel lost. I don't know what I should tell her. I spent all these years practicing how to shut off my emotions and now she needs me to show something, a glimpse of it. But I can't. It's for everybody's sake.

'I left because I had to.' I tell her short and to the point. The rain is pouring down on us. We are both soaked up. Her dress is clinging to her body, allowing me to study her curves. She looks absolutely delicious. Her hair is glued to her breasts, hidding them from my sight and it annoys me.

'Stop looking at me like that!' She cries while I go towards her and wrap my arms around her.

'Just come inside, please. You are going to catch a cold.' I tell her while forcing her to walk inside the house.

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