Chapter 2️⃣2️⃣

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(Third person POV)

After they were done eating,all of them went back to their classes.

And for the rest of the school day Tae, Jimin and Jungkook spent it together.

Having fun and joking. Carefree.

Although, in between that time a girl came to Tae asking if he's free later that night, to which Tae responded with a big fat no, and after that he looked at Jungkook, who was busy packing his bag and didn't notice the encounter.

But Jimin noticed that.

Finally it was time for them to go home.

“Hey Taehyung...can I go to your house?!” Jungkook said, excited.

After all...he has some work he promised he'd do.

In all his excitement he failed to notice the sudden change in Tae and Jimin.

Shit...what have you done Jungkook?! Jimin thought, panicked.

“Ahhh... Jungkook... I uh I don't think it's a good id-” but Jungkook failing to understand what he had asked, interrupted Jimin.

“But Jimin! It'd be great! You can come too!” Jungkook replied.

Through out this...Tae became a bit uncomfortable and thought it'd be best to leave.

“I... I'll be going guys...bye!” he suddenly said and ran towards his house.

Jimin and Jungkook stood there, watching Tae run.

“Ahhh... Jungkook... don't talk about his house or family...” Jimin said.


Jimin was silent for a moment, carefully picking out the words he should reply with.

“I'm not someone who should tell you this... If Tae ever does on his own than it's okay... Otherwise don't talk about it.”

Jungkook nodded his head.

Suddenly Jimin patted Jungkook's shoulder.

“Btw... great job! You finally befriended him!”

“Yeah... thanks jimin.”

“Okay... I'll be going now...bye! See you tomorrow!”

“Bye jimin.”

With that, both of them went towards their house.

Both engrossed in their own thoughts. Thoughts that were completely different.

I hope this works out... Jimin thought.

Am I doing the right thing? Was what troubling Jungkook.

Playing With The Player (!!!TAEKOOK!!!) (COMPLETED!)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz