Chapter 1️⃣2️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

I quickly dressed myself.

For some weird reason... I was very embarrassed.

Not because I was caught in the aftermath of the act. No. It was because it was Jungkook who caught me.

I didn't care about the girl's image. It's insignificant for me.
I tried lightening my mood by teasing Jungkook when I caught him staring.

But not even that helped me much.

I was still embarrassed.

Why am I feeling so embarrassed? It hasn't happened before... it's so unusual for me.

I looked at Jungkook.

He was looking at the floor. Oviously feeling awkward.

I cleared my throat.

“Soooo it would seem that you always caught me at all the weirdest situation...” I said awkwardly, trying to lighten up the mood.

“Yeah...” he replied.

Goshhhhhhh.... this is getting even more awkward, if that was even possible.

Omg...why am I feeling this way? I-

Listen... Let's uh... let's be fri-friends...” he trailed off while saying.

What?! Now he wants to be friends?

“You wanna be friends? Yeah okay! I don't have any problem with that! I could use some new friends too!” I replied, desperate to somehow lighten the mood.

Then it got awkward again.

Come on tae! Think of som-

“Are you like gay or something?” Jungkook suddenly asked.

“ I like going both ways! Don't wanna miss anything!” I replied, laughing.


(Jk's POV)

He laughed when he said that.

Then I asked a question that I'd regret later...

“Why do you go around fucking everyone?”

And for the first time... I felt Devil tense up.

His features, composure and aura changing in an instant.

I understood I shouldn't have asked the question.

But before I could say that he doesn't have to reply, he did. His voice completely cold and there was no ounce of feelings in his voice.

“I don't think I have to explain that to you.” his voice 10x deeper.

“De- Taehyung I'm sorry I-”

“It's okay... I'll see you tomorrow I guess... Bye kookie!”

And before I could reply anything...he was gone.

Sudden guilt filled my body.

Playing With The Player (!!!TAEKOOK!!!) (COMPLETED!)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon