Chapter 2️⃣

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(Tae's POV)

I woke up late in the morning. Not unusual for me.

Got ready for school and went downstairs when I heard a car honk.

That must be hyungs...

My Dad was in the living room, reading the newspaper.

We both ignored eath other. Not unusual.

I got up into the car and all my hyungs greeted me ‘Good morning’. I instantly smiled back. Showing my famous box smile.

Yoongi hyung started driving the car and all the others started chatting.

I looked at Jimin, my best friend, and gave him a big smile.

And soon enough, we engaged ourselves in a stupid conversation about ‘ whether there's rabbits on moon or not’.

I oviously was sure that there was rabbits on moon and they make rice cake but Jimin thought otherwise.

What a fool.

It was around 7:56 am when we reached school. All of us hurrying out of the car.

I was the first to enter the hallway.

Just as I was about to go to my locker a guy bumped into me.

I could see him getting tensed.

He muttered something under his breath but I couldn't make it.

And he was gone.

I turned around to see my hyungs looking at me, all of them serious.

I quickly shrugged and was about to leave when

“Tae where are you going now? We have a class to attend.” Jimin said.

We were in the same class.

Where as Namjoon and Hoseok hyung were in the same class and Jin and Yoongi hyung in another.

“I got some work to do... You go on I'll come later” with that I left before Jimin could interrogate me any further.


After about 20 minutes I was done and went towards my first class.

Opening the door in the middle of the class time.

All the students looked at me.

It wasn't anything unusual.

The teacher just shook his head at me but didn't say anything.

So I made my way towards my table on the last row, when I noticed someone sitting there.



Tae looks like the above pic in this FF!

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