Chapter 60

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I chuckle lightly at the movie we're watching before shutting my eyes again. Andee shakes with her laughter underneath me, making me smile. My head is resting on her lap. We're the only two in the living room and its Christmas Eve. Niall and Ess are wrapping presents with Jess, the other boys are calling their families and Charlie and Rubie are baking cookies.

Andee suggested we watch a movie after I called my mum. It was a sad call... I love my mum and sister a lot, so why wouldn't I be upset that I can't spend Christmas with them? I was so looking forward to this year... finally getting to spend this time with my family... the boys, and now girls, are like my family too but I barely get to see Mum and Gemma anymore.

Being a member of One Direction has brought me so many things. I get to give back to my family, I get to spend all of my time with my best friends and I get to do what I always dreamt of doing. I get to do what I truly love most and get paid for it. I get to make people happy by singing and I wouldn't have it any other way.

My career also led me to Andee, I love her. Everyone knows... the boys... even she knows it. She's not like anyone else I've ever met before and that's why I love her so much. She treats me like a real guy and I haven't found that anywhere else. I wanted what the other boys had. I wanted a real relationship and that's what I have now. I finally have it. I have the woman who I love by my side and I can't wait to see where our relationship goes. I tell her I love her as often as I can because I know she needs to hear it. She's fragile, even though she doesn't like to admit it, and she doesn't believe in herself as much as she should. I don't care that she hasn't said it back. I know that when it's the right time she will tell me, and I know it will be so special that I don't care how long it takes to hear her say those words.

She can tell I'm sad... I know she can... She claims that she is terrible at comforting people but she's wrong. Just her being here helps me. My head on her lap calms me and comforts me at the same time.

She sighs beneath me, she moves with the action so I open my eyes to look at her. She's frowning and staring down at me. I wrap my arms around her waist and pull myself closer to her.

"What's wrong?" I mumble into her lap and she sighs again, putting one of her hands in my hair, making my scalp tingle.

"You're sad..." she pouts, looking down at me. I shrug, because in all honesty I am kind of sad. "It's Christmas, you're not supposed to be sad..." she whispers and puts her other hand on my cheek.

"I... I just miss my mum..." I sigh, closing my eyes again.

"Well, you get to go home soon." She smiles down at me and I grin at her. "Except this time I get to come with you." She whispers again looking into my eyes. I can't help it... I reach up to grab her face. She's smiling at me as I pull her face down to mine. Our lips meet in a sweet kiss and she breaks apart before I can get lost. She stares into my eyes for a few seconds and the moment is so intense I am so tempted to kiss her again but she beats me to it. She pecks my lips quickly and then her lips move to my cheek. I smile under her lips and she giggles.

"I'm excited I get to spend this Christmas with you though." I say as she pulls away from me. She shakes her head, with a perfect smile on her lips, and puts her hand back in my hair as I close my eyes once more.

"I love spending Christmas with my friends." She smiles down at me, her fingers running through my hair and I revel in her touch. "And I love spending Christmas Eve watching movies with one of my new best friends." She blushes at her own words and I know how hard it was for her to say them. I can't help it. I sit up and pull her as close as possible, kissing her desperately. She seems surprised at first but soon kisses me back, her hands ruffling my hair. I break the kiss first because my lungs can't take anymore. We're both breathing heavily and now she's on my lap, which makes me laugh.

Cupcakes and 5 boysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon