Chapter 17

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I was surprised at how quickly Harry got Andee to calm down. She never calms down that quickly. No matter what the situation, I have never been able to calm her down that fast. I don't know how Harry did it, but Andee was now asleep on the couch. She had relaxed immensely after Harry had held the ice up to her cheek. It was so cute!!! He held the ice up to her cheek and stroked her other cheek before they whispered something to each other, they didn't break eye contact the whole entire time. Niall and I weren't in the room, we were in the kitchen but we were spying on them.

We drank hot chocolate all day and we watched superhero movies too. They were Andee's favorite, besides the sappy chick flick. We had been watching every single movie that deals with the Avengers the whole day which Niall and Harry were okay with. We had just started Avengers when Andee fell asleep. She fell asleep next to Harry on the couch, her hand was just inches away from his and it kept getting closer in her sleep.

She was lying across two cushions with her head directly by Harry. His hand was resting on the cushion and hers was right next to it. After about ten minutes after she fell asleep Harry's hand was in both of hers. Harry looked surprised, then happy then he just let her hold his hand.

Towards the end of the movie both of the boys looked like they were going to fall asleep. I turned off the TV and then shook them awake, Harry carried Andee to bed for me and she didn't even wake up.

They were standing at the door when we said our goodbye's I hugged Harry first. "Thank you so much for going after her today and finding her and bringing her back. I don't know how you got her to calm down but thank you again." I said while I was hugging him. He chuckled lightly.

"Thank you for telling me where she would be." Harry said as he opened the door and started to walk out. "Come on Ni."

Niall looked at the door and then back at me. Harry was already walking down the hallway so he pulled me in for a quick hug. When he pulled away he kissed me on the cheek, just like I did last night. I felt my cheek tingle and I put my hand up to it, smiling, I bet I look like a tomato.

"Bye Essi..." Niall trailed off as he left.

After they left I went to Andee's room to check on her. She was sound asleep under the covers with Chet happily lying next to her.

I was so scared at what almost happened to Andee. Especially since it was in a place we both were so comfortable at. I don't know if I will ever be able to go back there again... not that I have any reason to... but it's just scary knowing that that happened in my little safe haven of Bloomington. Nothing ever happens here and that's one of the biggest reasons I like it. I can escape from reality when I'm here. And reality scares me so that's a good thing.

I turned Andee's light off, double checked that the door was locked and went to my room to change into my pajamas. (Esther's PJ's)

I curled up in bed with Phil at my feet. What should Andee and I do tomorrow? We should really do something that will cheer her up. Well a girls day with my sisters and mom always makes her day. So I decide to text them.

To mummy :)

To Charlie's an Angel ;P: hey there.... You wanna have a girls day tomorrow with me and Andee? It would be really fun!!!

To Rubies are a girl's best friend: Hey there Rubes!!!! You wanna have a girls day tomorrow with me and Andee??? Let me know quick!!!! Haha :)

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