Chapter 39

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I woke up with a killer headache... that's what I get for drinking. We had a quick breakfast, said goodbye to Nadyia and jumped in the car to head the rest of the way back to Bloomington. I'm sitting in my seat with my sunglasses on and staring out the window at the fields we were passing by. I took this time to think about what happened last night.

Andee thought I was really drunk... I was drunk but not drunk enough to not remember stuff. I meant every single one of those things I said to her. I love her curly hair. I love her brown eyes and her freckles. I love the fact that she's shorter than me but not by much. I love her tiny freckles and the way the pink blush that is almost always on her cheeks matches the shade of her lips.

Those lips.

I wanted so badly to know what those lips felt like against mine. I didn't really think it through before I kissed her... but she was right there... I could feel her breath against my face and I couldn't resist any longer. I knew she wasn't going to think anything of it because she thought I was punch drunk... I wish she thought of it the way I did... It was my only chance to know what kissing Andee was like.


No surprise,

I loved it.

I love Andee.

I already knew this but it just magnified since this whole shoulder thing happened. She's so selfless. She, herself is injured yet she felt the need to take care of me because of my stupid decisions.

That has to mean something...


She has to have at least some sort of feelings for me...


This is the craziest I've been about a girl. I don't know what it is about Andee... her natural beauty? her hilarious personality? Her sweetness? All of it mushes together in a lovely Andee cocktail that I can't seem to get enough of.

I can't explain it because I, myself don't understand it either. Something about her just draws me in and I want to get to know her so badly. I know that first I have to earn her trust and that is proving to be harder than I thought it would be. I know she has started to trust me because she lets me be alone with her and she will willingly talk to me. I want her to trust me enough for her to be my girlfriend. I have to wait for the perfect time... I really hope it's soon... because I don't know how much longer I can resist the Andee cocktail...

"HARRY!" someone screamed in my direction.

"What?!" I yelled stupidly as my head snapped up from the window. I heard giggling; no surprise there, Ess never stops giggling.

"we're about halfway home." Ess smiled back at me. everyone else was out of the car and it was just me and her. "Everyone went inside to either get snacks or go to the bathroom and I wanted to make sure you knew." She smiled at me yet again but it faltered when she saw my expression didn't change. "What's up Harry?" she asked, genuine concern lacing her voice. "You're one of my best friends Harry... you can talk to me about anything."

"Just thinkin..." I sighed as I placed my head against the window again.

"Bout what?" she asked, picking at her fingernails, acting uninterested but I know she's screaming on the inside to hear my reasoning.

"Andee..." I barely mumbled.

"You love her." she stated.

"How did you know?" I asked in disbelief, my head snapping up to look at her.

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