Chapter 24

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It's been two weeks since Niall asked me to be his girlfriend, and I can honestly say it's been some of the best weeks of my life... maybe it's a little too soon to be saying something like that but I don't care! I Love It! (A/N little Icona Pop moment there... haha) I am high on cloud nine and nothing can bring me down... I am pretty sure that even if Taylor and Tammy came up to me and were being bitches, like usual, I would still be in a good mood. Our relationship basically feels like it was before but with more PDA. Niall will steal a kiss every once in a while and so will I. We are almost always holding hands and he's always smiling at me. He tells me I am beautiful no matter what I'm wearing or how much make up I have on... he just makes me feel... happy... I never felt this way with Jake... I guess that shows how different Niall and Jake are... Jake never treated me the way Niall does... Niall treats me like a princess... in fact... Niall calls me princess sometimes... I guess that just shows that Niall is a man and Jake never was...

We hang out most nights, occasionally with the boys but mostly just the two of us. We will go out to get fast food or just eat junk and watch movies at my apartment. Sometimes he will join me at work just so we can spend more time together... sometimes it's distracting... ;) he's everything I've ever wanted in a boyfriend and I am SO glad we are together. Life is so much brighter when he is there. He's like my personal sunshine. (Esther's outfit)

Right now I'm at the bakery and Niall is here as well. He's sitting at one of the little tables with his MacBook, probably on twitter... Rosie is at the daycare so it's just us. We've had a few people come in and buy stuff. But the biggest thing going on right now was that someone ordered a birthday cake!!! A custom cake!!! My first one!!! I was working on it in the back and I still had an hour and a half until they would be here to pick it up. I was rolling the purple fondant out when Niall walked in.

"So what is that?" Niall asked, pointing at the Fondant and jumping up to sit on one of the counters.

"It's fondant... it tastes like frosting but looks much better. I'm doing a birthday cake." I explained as I laid the purple substance over the first layer of cake.

"Is that cake gonna have tiers?" he asked as he ate a cupcake. I popped an eyebrow at him and he knew that I was wondering where he got the cupcake from. "I paid for it, don't worry." He smiled.

"Yes, it will have four tiers, one purple, one green, one blue, and one white. And before you ask, no, I did not think of this design on my own, someone called in and wanted it this way specifically." I explained, smiling. See!? I told you, he makes me smile for no reason... and I love it.

About twenty minutes later I had all of the layers put together and it just needed to sit for about thirty minutes before I added the "Happy Birthday" stuff. I put away the extra fondant and looked at Niall. He had his phone out and was tapping at it with a smile.

"Who you texting?" I asked, curiosity getting the better of me.

"No one..." he said, I really wanted to run up to him and snatch his phone away to see who he was texting but I resisted the urge... I did the better thing and just let it go... I trust him so there is nothing to worry about...

"Okay... do you wanna make cookies?" I asked him, already getting out the ingredients because I already knew what his answer was going to be.

"YES!!! can they be peanut butter?!" he yelled as he leapt off the counter and ran up to me.

"Sure..." I said putting my arms around his neck and playing with the hair at the nape of his neck. "Anything for my leprechaun..." I said as I leaned in and connected our lips. He smiled into the kiss and I did too. His hands found their way to my hips as he pulled me closer. I pulled away, breathing heavily. "We only have thirty minutes to make these cookies so we can't waste time on that." I whispered tapping his nose with my pointer finger.

Cupcakes and 5 boysWhere stories live. Discover now