Chapter 31

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"Essi." A voice whispered right over my head. It has to be Niall... he's the only one who calls me Essi...

I rolled over and barely got out a mumble. "Mhmmm???"

Niall chuckled before speaking. "We have an early interview then we're going to the meet and greet." I started to get up, expecting to go with them. "N-n-n-n-no... you don't have to come with us." He laughed. "I just wanted to tell you where we were going so you guys wouldn't worry."

"Oh..." I mumbled, finally opening my eyes. "What time will you get back?" I yawned as I stretched my arms above my head.

"Well... the meet and greet starts at 9:00 and they usually go about four hours... so 1:00ish???" he said more like a question.

"Okay..." I yawned again.

"Go to sleep princess." Niall whispered as he kissed my forehead. I smiled at the sweet gesture before responding.

"If you insist..." I yawned again as I lay back down and Niall covered me up with the blanket.

"Bye babe." He whispered as the door closed and I drifted off to sleep.

"Oh my god!!! It's way too bright in here!!!" Andee's squeals woke me up for the second time today.

"Uggghhhh..." I groaned as I flipped over, covering my head with my pillow.

"Andee!!! The blinds are closed and the lights aren't on!" Rosie said with a groan.

"Oh my gosh... not so loud!!! I have a pounding headache..." she groaned and dove under her covers. I just laughed at her. She totally has a hangover.

"What the hell did we do to get me a hangover?" she asked.

"We went to a Chip and Dale last night and you got drunk." I giggled, covering my mouth with my hand, Rosie joined in.

"An-an-and then..." Rosie laughed. "you told Harry that he should be a Chip and Dale because he has nice abs!!!" she barely got out before falling off of her bed in a fit of giggles. Eleanor and Danielle showed up at our door wondering what was going on. They sat on my bed.

"Oh my god..." Andee face palmed. "Never let me around him when I am drunk..." she mumbled.

"Why???" Eleanor raised her eyebrows suggestively.

"Yeah Andee... why?" I challenged. "Are you worried about something happening between the two of you???" I suggested as Andee turned bright red.

"No..." she mumbled. "Any ideas of how to get rid of this hangover???" she groaned falling back on the sheets.

"Well we could slap you really hard... dunk your head in ice water... make you run on a treadmill... the options and laughs are endless." I said evilly as all the girls laughed.

"I was thinking more like coffee and aspirin..." Andee trailed off, looking a little scared.

"Fine... we'll do it your way..." I groaned as we all got up and made our way down to the kitchen. We had the radio going while we all got cereal when the radio announcer said something that made our ears perk up.

"Here's One Direction with Best Song Ever."

And the start up to one of my favorite songs played. Andee and I squealed as we got up and immediately started jumping and dancing like idiots.


"THROUGH THE DOORS AND PAST THE GUARDS!!! OWW!!! JUST LIKE SHE ALREADY OWNED IT!!!" I screamed back. All of the other girls looked at us funny but then they joined in.

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