Chapter 63

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"Die. Die! DIE!!! You fuckers!" I scream at the screen of our new TV. I'm sitting criss cross applesauce on the rug we bought at IKEA two days ago. There's a bag of chips on my left, a diet coke on my right and a headset over my ears. I'm screaming at the people on my livestream as I play my favorite game.

Call of Duty.

"You pussies! You play like little boys!" I roll my eyes at the screen and the voices coming over my headset.

"Having fun?" A deep voice sounds behind me. I jump a mile high. Ess is out with Niall and I wasn't expecting Harry to come over.

"You scared the shit out of me bastard!" I yelled and threw a chip at him. He burst out laughing.

"How can that game be fun if all you do is yell curses at it?" he chuckles as he puts the bag of chips on his lap, sitting down next to me and kissing my cheek before I can answer. I blush at the sweet gesture before answering.

"I get to kill people..." I trail off like that's the obvious reason. He cocks an eyebrow as he puts a chip in his mouth. "What's wrong with liking to kill people?" I ask sweetly.

"That's a little freaky... not gonna lie...." He scoots away from me slowly and I can only laugh, he joins in eventually.

"So Harebear, what brings you to my humble abode?" I gesture widely with my arms after I stop laughing.

"We were going to go to Holmes Chapel to visit my mum... don't you remember?" he asks as he stands and pulls me up with him.

"Shit... I totally forgot! I need to get ready! Holy hell I look like death! They're gonna judge me so hardcore, my screwed up brain couldn't remember this?!?!?" I freak out and try to run away from him to get upstairs.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa..." he stops me by wrapping his arms tightly around my waist. I look up into his eyes, mine filled with panic, and he just smiles at me, tucking a piece of curly hair behind my ear. "Calm down baby." He's never called me that before and my heart flutters at his loving tone. He presses a kiss to my forehead, then both my cheeks and my nose, he then brushes his lips against mine. I sigh and fist his shirt in my hands, wanting to kiss him so badly. "My mum and sister already love you, just like I do." He smiles and I can't take it anymore and connect our lips.

One of my hands moves around his neck and I bury my fingers in his mop of curls, the other stays on his chest, resting just above one of the sparrows inked on his skin. His hands stay firm on my waist as he pulls me closer. I pull away first, much to his dismay and he leans our foreheads together.   

"You have nothing to worry about," he smiles lazily, eyes still closed as I stroke his cheek without knowing I'm doing it. I go to remove my hand in surprise but he's watching me and grabs my hand quickly, keeping it against his face. "We're just going to go to lunch with them and then I'll show you around, nothing too intense, I've missed my mum terribly and I really want you to see where I grew up." He kisses my hand that he's still holding against his cheek and then intertwines our fingers. "Let's go." He smiles as he moves to walk out the door.

"Harry I'm in my work clothes..." I mumble, looking down at my running leggings, tennis shoes and zip up hoodie.

"You look beautiful." he shrugs and I blush, again...

"Please let me change? I know they'll approve of me or whatever but I don't want to feel underdressed..." I pout and know that he'll give in. He rolls his eyes and lets me drag him up the stairs with me.

Harry looks at all the pictures on my wall as I change in the closet. I do my makeup quickly, him whining the whole time until I kiss his cheek, then he shuts up. Silly boy.

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