Chapter 8

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"Okay..." Louis started pondering what he was going to say. "Never have I ever been a girl." He finished with a laugh.

"Okay that's just NOT fair!" Esther screamed. She put one finger down. Louis just looked at her smugly. "Fine. Two can play at that game." She said with a glint in her eye. It was now her turn and I had a feeling of what she was going to say.

"Never have I ever been in a boyband!!!!!!" she yelled. All of us put a finger down. "Okay now we will do fair ones." She added with an adorable giggle.

"Okay..." it was my turn. "Never have I ever been to Alabama?" I said. It came out as more of a question. No one put their fingers down. "dammit." I whispered under my breath.

It was now Liam's turn. "Never have I ever not owned turtles." We all lost a finger to that one.

It was Harry's turn now. I have a feeling he's gonna say something perverted. "Never have I ever shared a room with a sibling." He said. Hmmmm not perverted, surpisingly.

"Ugggh, seriously!?" Esther exclaimed, losing a finger. "I had to share a room with both Charlie and Rubie for two years!!! Did any of you other people have to share? Or are you spoiled." She smiled at the last part.

"I had to share a room with Greg for a while..." I said shrugging.

"God you people are lucky." She said quietly.

"never have I ever had a roommate." Zayn said smiling. Esther put a finger down with a huff.

"Well yah, I coulda guessed that!!! You guys are so rich that there's no way you couldn't pay for things on your own!!! I don't like this game....." she trailed off crossing her arms in front of her chest in a kind of pout. She looked adorable. Calm down Horan.

"Awwww. Look she's pouting now!" Louis cooed.

"Never have I ever dropped the F bomb!!! Haha!!!!!!!" she yelled as she put her arms up in victory. Every single one of us boys put a finger down.

"Really? Like ever???" Harry asked in disbelief.

"Nope." She said popping her lips on the P. "I don't like that word. There are probably a lot of things I haven't done that would surprise you guys." She said with a chuckle.

"Like what?" we all asked, completely forgetting about the game.

"Ummmm let's see. I've never been to the ocean, never been out of the country, never been on a plane, never been to New York, never been to California, never been to a fancy event, like Prom. Never had a "real" boyfriend, never been to Florida, never lived anywhere but Bloomington, should I continue to go on?" she said with a laugh "Because there is A TON" she laughed again at all of our expressions. Harry looked like he shit his pants. Zayn's eyebrows were raised and his eyes were bugging out of his head. Liam's mouth was hanging open. Louis looked confused and I'm sure my face was a mixture of all the others.

"YOU WERE A DEPRIVED CHILD!!!!!" Louis screamed with his hand over his heart while he pretended to cry into Zayn's shoulder.

"Why haven't you done all of those things? How could you have never had a boyfriend? You're beautiful." Liam said obviously confused while Esther blushed slightly at his complement.

"Ummmm....." she started, I could tell it was a touchy subject. "I only had one boyfriend but he was a douche bag and cheated on me so I choose not to count him..." she said quietly. It all made sense now. This is why she was worked up last night about Louis' question.

"THAT DICK WAD!!!!!!!!!!!! WHERE IS THIS MAN!!!!!!!!! WE NEED TO BEAT HIM UP!!!!!!!!" Louis yelled as we all started to laugh.

"He moved away a year after it happened. He went to school in Oregon or something and never came back. It's fine by me though." She said laughing again.

"Wait so you've never been to Prom either?" Harry asked.

"Yah, Jake, the guy who cheated on me, was my date and then I found out about him cheating and he took the other girl..... I could've just gone with my friends but I was too humiliated to go by myself..." she said, pulling her knees up to her chest, hugging them and putting her chin on top of them. She sure sat like that a lot.

"Yeah... I hate him with a burning passion..." she trailed off  her face scrunching up in anger. "we knew each other since we were babies, we were best friends for our whole lives. We finally started going out and then he just cheats on me!? I mean seriously?!? What the hell!?!? He is the biggest dick in the whole entire world and I trusted him! I can't believe I was so easy to trust him!!! We dated for two years and then randomly he just decides to start to go out with some random chick that is totally fake! I mean we are talking bleach blonde, fake nose, fake boobs everything!!! Wears ten pounds of makeup!!! I mean really?!?!?! I wear minimal make up and I wear conservative clothes!!! I can't believe I thought he actually loved me!!! who could love me?" she whispered the last part. My heart was breaking for this gorgeous girl pouring her heart out to five boys she just met. She started to sob and she put a hand over her mouth to try and muffle them. Tears poured out of her eyes and my heart literally broke in half.

 I didn't care at this point. I know she might not like me doing this but I don't care. She was broken and I intended on fixing her. She obviously never recovered from this and she needs comfort.

I scooted closer to her on the couch as she continued to cry. I lifted her up so she was straddling my lap. She was crying so hard she didn't even notice. I pulled her into my chest and hugged her close. She fisted my t-shirt and buried her head in my chest as she sobbed. I just pulled her closer, my arms constricting around her petite frame as she kept sobbing. The boys all left the room so it was just me and her.

"Shhhh... it's okay... he's an idiot for letting someone as good as you go. You're beautiful and he's stupid if he cheated with a disrespectful bitch when he had you. You're fine. We all love you already and we've only known you for two days. You're amazing. Don't let anybody else tell you otherwise..." I whispered to her as she continued to sniffle against my chest. This felt so right...

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