Chapter 15

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I can't believe she kissed me on the cheek... I mean I was planning on doing that anyways.... But I had pictured it differently.

The way I had pictured it was that we would have all fell asleep on the couches, Essi in my arms again, and then when we woke up in the morning we would say goodbye and I would kiss her on the cheek.

This way assured me that maybe she felt something too. I knew I liked her but I didn't know if she liked me. She's so much better than all the people we usually hang around. She has natural brown hair, not bleach blonde like all of the other girls. She isn't twig thin and I like that. All of the other girls look unhealthy. She had a kind of natural beauty that I had never seen before. It blew me away. She didn't need to wear makeup but she did anyways, but not ten pounds of it like everybody else wears. She put on just enough to accentuate her naturally pretty features like her eyelashes and eyes. She isn't afraid to be herself but when she showed that side of herself she was so insecure... I don't know why... she has no reason to be insecure. I want to point out all of her qualities that make her perfect, just so she can stop thinking poorly of herself.

I snapped out of my fantasy land and realized all of the other boys were sitting on the couch looking glum. Harry still hadn't lifted his head out of his hands. I totally forgot what happened with Andee... how could someone do that to her. She is gorgeous and is so spunky... I don't know how anybody could hurt her and live with himself. I kind of feel protective of her, like I'm her big brother. We had so much fun with her today and we could all see how Andee and Essi are best friends. They fit together like two puzzle pieces.

Liam was staring at the wall.

Zayn was staring at his hands.

Louis had his head resting on the back of the couch and was looking at the ceiling.

Harry still had his head in his hands, he was ashamed of himself I could tell.

They had all said something about the way Andee was acting and they all felt terrible, because they had no idea. I didn't have any idea either but I knew better than to mess with Essi when she was that worked up. I don't think I've ever seen a girl that mad...

"Guys... don't tear yourselves up about this..." everyone besides Harry looked up at me like I had two heads. "Come on guys I know how bad this is, but Essi is obviously trying to help her get over this and if we drag on about it, she's never going to forget about it. We obviously have to apologize but until she wants to explain it to us, if she ever does, then we will listen to her. But we aren't going to dwell on this. It's in the past and we can't change it. All we have to do now is be there for her." I finished my speech and Harry finally looked up.

"I just feel so bad because I'm the one who pushed her..." Harry whispered.

"She just needs time to recover guys..." I said. They all gave me small smiles, knowing that I was right. "We should go to bed... I'm gonna go over there tomorrow and I'll text you, Harry, if it's okay to come apologize..." I trailed off and Harry nodded. Then we all walked off into our rooms and fell asleep. I stayed up a while because I was worried about Essi... wow... I'm really whipped...


The second the elevator got to the lobby I flew out of it, scanning everywhere to look for Andee. I really hoped she hadn't gone far. By the looks of her in the elevator she hadn't gotten far before breaking down. I figured the apartment was the best bet because there wasn't a familiar place within running distance very close to here, besides the apartment...

Cupcakes and 5 boysOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora