Chapter 50

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ANDEE'S POV (Rosie's outfit) (Andee's outfit) (Esther's outfit)

"Harry!!!" Ess called from my room.

The boys are helping us with our luggage because we are forcing them too. We'll be in LA for a week and I'm so excited!!!

"What is it now?" he moaned and groaned walking in.

"Help the lovely lady with her luggage, be a gentleman like I taught you!" she smacked him on the back. He smiled over at me and grabbed my luggage.

"You didn't teach me anything! That was my mum!" he argued and my friend hit him upside the head, making me laugh.

He's been back to normal since I told him I want to stay friends. I know I hurt his feelings and I know that I did not mean what I said but I'm telling myself that I meant it... I'm telling myself that this is the right thing... but I'm having a hard time convincing me.

"C'mon then! We'll be late for the plane!" Niall said as he waved us out of my room. He took Ess' hand and we walked out. The pets are at Mama Jess' house so they're taken care of. Her little sisters get paid big bucks from the boys to watch their pets.

I made sure I had my carry on backpack before locking the door. Then we were off.


"So..." Louis started as we were waiting in the terminal. "What are you guys looking forward to most in LA?" he smiled.

"Well I've never been there so I'm excited just to see it." Ess shrugged from next to Niall, they were holding hands, just like always.

"Beach body for me!!!" I called out and everybody chuckled. "But seriously... while you guys are at interviews, me, Ess and Ro are gonna be at the beach."

"Do you know how cold the water is going to be?" Rosie gasped from next to Zayn.

"I don't care, it's the beach and it's warmer than here." I shrugged.

Our flight was called and we all stood up to board the plane. I didn't notice who sat next to me until I heard a cheeky chuckle from my right. I sighed, rolled my eyes and turned to Harry to figure out what he was laughing at.

"What are you laughing at?" I asked him, putting my hands on my hips.

"I can see down your shirt!" he laughed and then leaned closer to me leaning down.

"What?" I gasped, glancing down. I grabbed the zipper of my hoodie and pulled it all the way up and then pulled my hood up, pulling the drawstrings so I only had a tiny hole to see out of.

"Why'd you take away the view?" Harry pouted.

"I don't get a view, neither do you!" I crossed my arms over my chest.  

"Oh, so you like the view?" he asked, smirking in that Harry Styles way.

"Uh... No..." I looked away.

"I beg to differ." He winked.

"Well... whatever..." I grumbled, pulling my drawstrings tighter. "Wake me when there's a view." I mumbled, closing my eyes. I hadn't laid there two minutes when Harry poked me in the head. I wacked his hand away but he continued to poke me. "Harry stop..." I groaned. He continued to poke me. "Come on..." I groaned again.

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