Chapter 20

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Why is it always Louis that makes Esther cry???

"That's the third time you've made her cry Louis... the third time..." Niall trailed off.... He seemed angry as he stood up and walked towards Esther's room. He really does care about her.....

"Why do I always do that?" Louis asked pouting.

"It's okay Louis..." Rosie said as she put a hand on his shoulder. "her past is muddled with sad memories...." She finished.

"Well which one did I bring up this time?" Louis asked resting his chin on his hands.

"Ummmm.... Well her brother, Steve..." I started. I didn't know if I was supposed to be explaining this to them but she explained to them when I was in this situation. "He is three years older than her and they acted like twins. He was like her best friend..."

"Was?" Liam asked sadness clear on his features. "Did he pass away?"

"no... but they promised they wouldn't lose touch when he went off to college and he broke that promise. He went to the University of Arizona and he hasn't come home since he left seven years ago. Not even for Christmas, birthdays, or even his own father's funeral... it's like he dropped off the face of the earth. They can't contact him, trust me they've tried, and he hasn't made any effort to contact them..."

"That's so sad...." Harry said and I gave him a weak smile.

"Yah.... I know..... now whenever anybody mentions something about a brother or her brother she starts crying... he wasn't there when she needed him most... he wasn't here when she graduated college or when she opened her bakery. He wasn't there for any of her biggest accomplishments and that kills her. She always just wanted him to be proud and now he's not here to be proud....." I finished with a sigh.

"Sorry I made her remember that...." Louis said.

"Well... you guys would have found out eventually." I shrugged.

"Yeah... we would have but we didn't want to figure out like this..." Zayn said shaking his head.

"It's okay guys! I promise! Niall is going in there to comfort her" I winked and they all chuckled under their breath. "Do you want to watch a movie?" I asked them they all nodded in agreement and some of us moved to sit on the couch. I turned on the TV and Mean girls was still in from earlier. I laughed when the boys all said they wanted to watch it so I pushed play and settled in between Harry and Rosie.


I don't exactly know why Essi is crying again, but I can't stand it when she cries... she looks like a sad puppy when she cries.

I was walking down the hallway to find Essi's room. I've never been in it before so I don't know where it is but I found it quickly because I could hear her crying.

I opened the door slowly and saw her lying across her bed, crying into her pillow. "Essi?" I asked quietly to see if she could hear me and if she would even want me in here.

"Ni?" she whispers, her voice cracking. My heart swells at the way she says my name but breaks at the same time. She is really upset.

I rush over to her bed as she sat up. Her cheeks have tears on them and her gorgeous eyes are bloodshot. When I walked up to her she threw her arms around my neck and cried into my chest. I reluctantly wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tight.

Her body shook with sobs as her tears soaked my sweatshirt. I moved us so I was sitting on the bed and now she was sitting on my lap. I tried to comfort her but nothing seemed to work. She just kept crying.

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