Chapter 57

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There's four weeks until Christmas. Exactly one month before we move across the world. To say I'm panicking would be an understatement.

There's so much to do in so little time, it's easier now that Niall's been supporting me more and Andee is doing a lot to help out. We have to pack up everything here, arrange for flights, look for jobs for me, and tell our families.

Scratch that, I have to tell my family... Andee told her mom and dad a few days ago and they totally supported her. Niall's been telling me I have nothing to worry about and that my family will react the same way but I'm not so sure.

"I should go get ready..." I sigh from next to Niall. He's got an arm wrapped around my shoulders as I lean on his chest, his other playing with my hair, knowing that it soothes me. I lean my head back so I can look up at him. He smiles down at me and plants a soft sweet kiss on my lips.

"You're going to lunch with your mum right?" he asked after he pulled away.

"Yeah..." I sigh, leaning my head on his chest again as his strong arms constrict around my pajama covered body. Niall came over this morning and we made breakfast and watched some movies, I never changed out of my pajamas and he made it a point to tell me how adorable I looked in my oversized t-shirt and plaid pants.

"There's nothing to worry about Darlin she's your mum, she'll understand." He kissed the top of my head.

"I know... but I'm still nervous." I sighed yet again.

"You'll be fine." He hugged me and then I stood up and scurried off to change. With Christmas approaching, the weather is getting colder and colder, I wouldn't be surprised if it snowed sometime soon.

I threw on a pair of skinny jeans, along with my 5sos tank top, a scarf, a thick jacket and my Miami beanie. I slipped my feet into my keds and walked out of my room.

"I'm going to head on home, is that okay?" Niall asks when I walk out, he smiles at me and I blush.

You think I would be used to his stares by now but he still has the same effect on me that he did when he walked into that bakery six months ago.

"Yeah that's fine, do I look okay?" I asked, biting my lip nervously. Why am I worried about what I'm wearing? It's my mother for crying out loud, I could wear my pajamas if I wanted to...

"No, you look gorgeous." He smiles as he walks up to me and pulls me into his arms. I roll my eyes at his statement and twist my arms around his neck, my hands making their way to his blonde locks. He kissed my neck and I giggled at him.

"You're crazy." I pull his head back and he smiles at me.

"You are too." He fires right back before kissing me.

I smile into the kiss as his hands move to the small of my back, pulling me closer. My back is slightly bent causing him to bend at the waist. One of my hands is at the back of his neck, pulling him as close as possible, and the other rests on his chest. He's the one to pull away first, with a sigh, and he puts our foreheads together.

"I love you Essi." He smiles before pecking my swollen lips once more.

I giggle before answering him.

"And I love you." I smile as I kiss the tip of his nose, "but I really have to leave now." I pout and he chuckles.

"Good luck babe," he squeezes me tight one more time before letting me go and walking out the door.

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