Chapter 53

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"Niall!" I shouted through the apartment after hanging out with Andee. We watched superhero movies and I'm about to arrange our first official date. I need help though... I've never cared this much about the opinion of the person I'm taking on the date. I want Andee to feel comfortable and safe when she's with me. I want this to be the best first date she's ever had. I want her to remember this date for the rest of her life.

"Niall!!!!" I yelled louder throughout the house. I have three hours to plan the perfect date and I need some help. I'm really close with Niall and he's obviously close with Ess who is best friends with Andee. I know exactly what I'm going to do, but I need approval, I'm really nervous.

"Jesus, what?" he groaned as he walked out of his room, pulling a shirt over his head. (A/N GIF on the side!!!! :P you're welcome) "I was asleep, what do you need?" he rubbed at his eyes.

"I need you to help me. I'm going to take Andee on our first official date tonight." I explained, wringing my hands together.

"Why do you need my help?" he asks as he stretches his hands above his head, still trying to wake himself up.

"Because, I have a really good idea and I need another person to help me, and you're like her new big brother, she loves you." I smile at him.

"Well a lot of people love me, I'm pretty likeable." He chuckled.

"Will you help me though?" I laugh along with him.

"Yeah man, I'd love to help you." He smiled brightly at me. I grinned back at him.

"Well, I'm going over there too ask her..." I rubbed my forehead.

"Mate, relax..." he smiled at me and put a hand on my shoulder. "She's already your girlfriend... she's the girl of your dreams... she really likes you, just be yourself." He patted my back, soothing my fears.

"You're right... I'm being ridiculous..." I shake my head and readjust my hair. "I'll be back soon, okay?" I smile at Niall.

"That's fine." He smiled at me again before walking into the kitchen to get some food.

I smiled bright before walking towards the elevator, a little more bounce in my step than usual. I pulled out the envelope from my coat pocket and opened it, pulling out the sheet of paper inside. Covering the page was different options for different things on our date tonight. I figured I would let her choose. Niall's going to be going everywhere before we get there to get the stuff ready.

I pulled my beanie farther over my ears and stuffed my hands in the pockets of my coat when I walked outside, the brisk November air hitting my cheeks. I walked casually down the street towards Andee and Ess' building, they live in a nice place. Niall and I are helping them out with their rent, much to their dismay. We didn't want them blowing all of their savings on their rent because they could be moving to London. Andee still hasn't heard back from where she applied but I really hope she gets hired.

To have Andee and Ess in London would be another dream come true. Before they planned this I wanted to be with Andee, whatever it takes, I was willing to try the whole long distance thing but now that they're considering moving there, it just makes me ecstatic. The fact that she will be so close makes me want to scream and smile until my face cracks.

I walked quickly up the flights of stairs and adjusted my beanie before I knocked on their door. Andee answered with a big smile that made her look so beautiful.

"Did you forget something Harry?" she pops an eyebrow.

"No... I wanted to ask you something." I try to smile back at her but I'm nervous again. Damn it...

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