Chapter 23

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I practically flew out of the elevator when it reached the ground floor of Niall's apartment building. How could I forget about Rosie? Oh right... I was having an amazing time with my four best friends and a guy I hope to be getting into a relationship with soon... I'm not late... it's just that it's a pretty fancy thing and I don't have that much time to get ready.

I decide on a fitted, short black dress with lace sleeves and neckline. I wore my new blue sandal like shoes that are royal blue and my matching clutch. I put on some simple diamond jewelry. I do my hair in a fancy up do braid that looks complicated but it really isn't, and I am ready to go. (Esther's outfit)

Just as I was putting the finishing touches on my nails I heard Rosie's usual knock on my door. She's early...  When I open it there stands Rosie in a simple black dress with a belt around the waist. She is wearing diamond jewelry and her shoes and clutch are a pinkish orange color. (Rosie's outfit)

I give her a weird look when I see that her hair is down and still wet. She is holding a brush and bobby pins and has a worried expression on her face. I smile at her and then she finally talks. "I'm having a hair crisis... can you help me... please?"

I LOVE doing people's hair... I taught myself how to French braid when I was in high school and one time I did the whole volleyball team's hair. Rosie had me do her hair for every single event... whether it is prom, homecoming, weddings, art shows, or even just plain old school, she loves it when I do her hair. She always says she is having a "hair crisis" when, in reality, her hair always looks beautiful.

I laughed at her before answering. "Yeah sure. Come on in!" and with that, we hurried into the bathroom where I blow dried her hair into soft waves and I got to work.

When I was finished Rosie wouldn't shut up. She loved her hair. I did a braided up do that was much simpler than mine, mostly because I didn't have the time to do anything more. It looked like a bun with a braid over the top of it. Simple, yet beautiful just the same.

Andee, Rosie and I have been best friends since Kindergarten. We all were put at the same table and we just... kind of... clicked... I don't know how to put it :) but we have been best buds ever since. Andee is TOTALLY outgoing, Rosie is more quiet but hilarious, and I am reserved and shy but once you get to know me I'm loud and obnoxious. We are basically opposites but we fit together like puzzle pieces.

Andee finds humor in everything. She just loves every aspect of life... except men... she has the trust issue that I have explained before. She is getting much better though... Harry is helping her. She could play Softball her whole life and be completely happy. She loves the sport with all of her heart and she never wants to be without it. It was always her dream job to play professionally and it came true. She gets paid to do what she loves, which makes me incredibly happy. I know you might think it's weird, but nothing makes me happier than seeing someone I care so much about so happy... If we were ever separated I would probably die... it's hard enough having her gone this much but if she moved away or wasn't my roommate anymore I am almost positive I would die. She is the bestest friend ever and I never want to lose her.

Rosie is the same thing... she is the sweetest person I have ever met. She is a little shy at first but opens up once you get to know her. She still lives with her parents because she is saving money to go to college. It's embarrassing for her that she still lives with them but everybody understands. She works at the bakery most days and the days she doesn't, she works at a daycare. She wants so desperately to go to college and become an artist. Her mother and father divorced when she was younger and her mother remarried. Her step father has a butt ton of money but she won't take it. He has offered to pay for her college many times but she won't let him. Rosie is stubborn, if you haven't guessed that already. I feel like she wants to pay for it because then she feels like she really earned it and it will mean that much more to her if she does it all herself. She has never had a close relationship with her step father either... she misses her real dad... he got custody of her sister Jessie and her mother got her... Jessie and their father moved away and Rosie hasn't seen them since... so we are both fatherless... we understand each other really well... Rosie is an amazing baker and she always knows exactly what to say... I don't know what I would do without her.

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