Chapter 22

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Today is the day Andee leaves... I almost forgot that she has to leave again... I know softball is her life and she loves it with all her heart... but sometimes I wish she could just have a normal job, like me, just so I could spend more time with her... I know it's selfish but what can I say? She's my best friend! We've been friends since kindergarten... I HATE the fact that she's gone all the time but if it makes her happy, it makes me happy...

Right now I'm lying in bed, looking up at the ceiling... I really don't want Andee to leave... I told you before I hate goodbye's... it's rather pathetic... I know... but I can't stand the feeling of people that I care about leaving me... even if it's just for a little while... its five thirty and we have to be at the airport by eight o'clock because her flight leaves at eight forty five.

I eventually decide to get up and spend extra time getting ready since I've got a breakfast date with Niall after Andee leaves. Which I am SUPER DUPER excited about!!!

I decided to wear a dress and cardigan... just because... I curled my hair so it was perfect corkscrews but still looked natural and threw a Fedora on top... than when I heard the shower turn on, meaning Andee was up, I started to make her breakfast... I made her mash!!! (Esther's outfit) (Andee's outfit)

When she finally emerged she was wearing her yoga Capri's, TOMS, and a loose knit jumper. All of her luggage was by the door and she made her way into the kitchen, drawing a deep breath through her nose so she could smell the food I made.

"You know..." Andee started as she put a huge bite of her breakfast into her mouth. "I am REALLY going to miss you making this for me... now I have to make it myself..." she said pouting.

"yah... I know.... I'm gonna miss you A TON..." I said pretending to cry, even though I felt like crying in real life... "We're gonna go over to the boys' flat so you can say goodbye to them there because they all can't come to the airport, they'll be seen..." I trailed off taking a sip of my apple juice.

"Okay!" she said as she finished her food. I swear this girl inhales her food instead of eating it... it's funny because her whole family eats that way too.

"Are you ready to go???" I asked, holding back a sniffle.

"Yup." She said popping her lips on the p and smiling. She was happy to go back to her job because softball is her life. "I just have to get my luggage." She finished as she put her dish in the sink.

"Okay." I said as we walked to the door and skipped down the hallway. We are so weird.....


"You know what I've always wanted to do?" Andee asked me as the elevator doors closed.

"No... what?" I asked laughing. It's probably something from a movie...

"I've always wanted to push all of the buttons in an elevator like in Elf." She said as she pushed only the top floor. Yup... I called it...

"You know I totally called that right?" I asked her as she quirked one eyebrow. "I knew it would be from a movie." I said laughing. I was still laughing when the doors opened and we stepped out of the elevator.

"ESTHER!!!!!! ANDEE!!!!!!" Louis screamed the second we stepped into the apartment. He ran up to us and picked me up in a bone crushing hug and spun me around in the air. When he set me down Andee was hunched over in laughter and I gasped for air which just made everyone laugh harder. "So why are you two lovely ladies here this early?!" he screamed again. Does this boy ever use his inside voice?

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