Chapter 48

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Harry's washing dishes right now... what he doesn't know is that I put a rubber band around the spray nozzle... I sat poised at the door, listening for his girlish squeal once my evil plan was unleashed.

It's safe to say I'm a prankster. Ess and I would ALWAYS play pranks on my four older brothers. They would get so angry at us but we knew that they couldn't do anything back to us so we continued to annoy them. We were very evil children. We would switch their shampoo with syrup and put water balloons in their beds and random things like that. They hated us... Steve, Ess' brother would chase us with nerf guns and things like that, but my brothers never did anything. They have always protected me, always scaring away guys and teaching me self-defense moves. I was not only the baby of the family but the only girl so I was kind of spoiled. They had to share rooms and I got my own, I got all new clothes and they got hand me downs. I'm very easily a daddy's girl and they boys hated me for that. Whenever I was going out with friends he would always give me money but they would have to pay for their own things when they would go out. I was convinced, through all of my childhood that they hated me but Beau told me that they didn't mind.

Harry still hasn't squealed...

As if on cue to my thoughts I heard a scream through the door I was pressed up against. I couldn't help it... I burst out laughing.

"Andee!!!" Harry called.

I was sitting on the floor, clutching my stomach when the door opened.

I looked up at him and my breath was temporarily taken away from me from the way his wet, white t-shirt was practically see-through... I could clearly see his abs and tattoos. I moved my gaze up to his face where his hair was pushed back with a bandanna and angry expression on his face.

I had stopped laughing and was just smiling up at him innocently as he glared at me.

"This is the last clean shirt I had!!! You know how I hate to do laundry!!! I don't have anything else clean..." he crossed his arms over his chest, ruining my view. "We have to go pick up Ess and Ni from the airport and now we're gonna be late..."

"Sorry?" I giggled. He rolled his eyes at me, trying to cover up his smile.


I tried not to smile at the girl I love, which, let me tell you, is not an easy task. She's been doing this all week. She's such a little prankster and I find it adorable. I don't even want to know how much worse it would be if her partner in crime were here...

I stalked off to the laundry room to throw my shirt in the dryer. I wasn't lying when I said I hated doing laundry, I put it off as much as I can... and today this is my last shirt... but since little miss tease decided to play yet another prank on me it looks like I don't have a shirt for about twenty minutes.

So, like the flirt that I don't deny that I am, I leave my shirt off. I just have my black jeans and my boots on when I walk out to the living room. I could totally put on a dirty shirt for the time being but that would ruin my fun. I know Andee stares at me. I catch her sometimes... it warms my heart to know that she is looking at me too. I feel like I'm the only one in this... this... whatever you want to call it... that has feelings for the other. I know leaving my shirt off will drive her crazy and she will be distracted but I find it funny. So like the cheeky lad that I am, I plaster a big smile on my face and waltz out to the living room. I see her jaw drop slightly when I walk in and it takes a lot of work to stifle my laughter. She gulps once as I sit down and refuses to look at me.

"What is it Andee?" I popped an eyebrow, still grinning. "Does me not having a shirt on make you uncomfortable?" I asked. She gulped again. I can tell it's taking everything in her to not look at me. "Is it because of my tattoos? Because that shouldn't bother you, you have tattoos too..." I mumbled as I grabbed her wrist, tracing the birds inked there. She slowly pulled her wrist out of my grasp and swallowed. "Well, what's on TV?" I asked nonchalantly. I'm having too much fun with this...

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