Chapter 29

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I'm really starting to notice my ankle now... it is throbbing slightly but if I wrap it I am sure I will be able to walk on it.

"Okay... designated chef is not making dinner tonight. Someone else has to do it." I said when we were all in the car on our way back.

"Do you guys make Esther make dinner every night???" Eleanor asked in disbelief.

"No!!! We aren't that mean!!!" Louis defended. "She offers to do it!!!"

"Okay... just checking..." she giggled and leaned on Louis' shoulder.

"Oh My Gosh!!! You guys are adorable!!!" Andee bounced up and down in her seat.

"Not as cute as Ess and Niall!!!" Louis pointed at us. "Look at them!!!" he cooed. I rolled my eyes and scooted closer to Niall and leaned my head against his shoulder. I was practically sitting on his lap.

"Shut up Lou." I shot right back.

"Ooooh!!! She's sassy!!! I like her!" Eleanor reached across and gave me a high five.

I giggled as the car stopped. The door flew open and me, being the idiot that I am, stepped out first... with the ankle I can't walk on... "AAAAHHH!!!" I squealed as I tumbled to the ground. I just laid there as everyone except Niall, Eleanor and Danielle laughed at me.

"Are you okay babe?" Niall asked as he stepped out.

"Just peachy..." I groaned from the concrete. Niall smiled at me as he walked up and scooped me into his arms.

"You guys are so mean!!!" Eleanor yelled as she stepped out as well.

"Is she okay???" Danielle asked as she drug Liam out of the car with her.

"I'm no more scraped up then I was before." I sighed as the pain started to take over. I leaned my head on Niall's shoulder and closed my eyes. "Can we go get ice now? This is really starting to hurt." The rest of them had already gotten out of the car, still chuckling slightly.

"Maybe we shouldn't have played the rest of that game..." Niall said as he led the way into the house.

"Oh hell no!!! we needed to finish that game!!! It was totally worth it! WE WON!!!!!" I yelled as Andee groaned.

"Will you stop rubbing it in our faces?!" she rolled her eyes.

"You're just mad because you wanted to show off!!!" I yelled. she stuck her tongue out at me. "You know I love you!!!" I yelled back, making a heart with my hands behind Niall's back.

"Love you too..." she grumbled as we went into the house.

"Wow... this is a nice house." Eleanor admired. "I'll get the ice pack." She ran off in the direction of the kitchen.

"Hey Rosie? Will you get a couple pillows from upstairs?" Niall asked as he sat me down on the couch. I winced as my ankle hit the coffee table.

"Why am I such a clutz!?!?" I groaned as I clutched my hands around my swollen joint.

"It makes life much more interesting." Andee said from the couch opposite of me, taking a drink out of a water bottle. I sent her daggers as Rosie returned with the pillows and put them underneath my foot. Eleanor gave Niall the icepack and he wrapped it around the injury delicately.

"Shouldn't you be the one doing all of this?!?" I squealed at Andee gesturing to my whole leg. "You are the one who knows how to take care of injuries!!! You studied this stuff in college!!!"

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