Leia wrapped her arms around me, the bond singing. "She's not okay, is she?" Her voice was worried, while her beast may not like my sister the human part of her longed to be friends.

"No," I whispered, my voice hoarse. "She's not."


As dinner was served, there was a quiet awkwardness, conversation made between pack members, younger children chatting freely unaware of the tension.

Bexley's eyes stayed on her mate's form as he swiped the fork across his plate, bringing the potatoes to his mouth, loosing quite a few of them. The bond was already in effect as she felt the need to help him, even if he wanted her to leave after the bind was complete.

Leias hand stayed on my thigh as I ran my thumb over her knuckles. The meal was quiet except for the silverware scaring against the plates and bowls. Bexley wasn't eating, just picking at her food. If you weren't paying enough attention, then you'd think that she was eating it as she pushed the food away.

My brow furrowed as my mother and father were sitting at the head of the table, a faraway look in their eyes as they communicated over the link.

"What do you think they're talking about." Ellis' voice traveled over the link to us, the link just between the three of us boys.

"Bex." Wilders' voice came in my head as he piled more vegetables onto Olympias plate, the witch was a vegetarian.

"Probably," I muttered through the link, laying my hand firmly on top of Leias as she threw me a confused look.

"Do you think he really is going to kick her out after the bond is complete?" The three of our eyes turned to the blind Alpha, my stomach clenched uneasily as he sat ramrod straight in the chair, waiting to be dismissed.

"Not sure," I told them, watching the Alpha. "We all know Bexley has a way of wiggling her way into people's lives."

They both nodded their heads as Leia turned again, giving me a knowing look. My father cleared his throat as everyone turned their heads to look at him, everyone except Bexley who was still sulking with her head bent down as she passed out younger sibling's chocolate from time to time.

"Thank you for joining us for dinner." His voice was rough, he knew that he was going to lose his daughter. "If you wish you are free to go."

The Alpha was the first one to bolt from his seat, the dark-skinned man following close behind him as Link smiled apologetically at Bexley before following his Alpha. Bexley was the next to leave, Emerson and Maverick running after her.

The rest of the pack and some of the Alphas warriors, sat there unsure what to do, do they follow their Alpha or sit here with their future Lunas family and continue eating the meal they slaved over.

They stayed and ate their fill.

I wasn't feeling hungry anymore, settling back I watched as Leia ate until all that was left was her plate. A smile slipped onto my face as my beast rumbled appreciatively that our mate had a good appetite.

Everyone was dismissed as it was the Alphas children night to clean up, letting our younger siblings and Bex off the hook we all began to clean up the dining hall. Leia and I branched off to the sink and began washing off the dishes as Leia dried them.

My ears perked up as I heard the twins and Olympia, not so sneakily sneaking off.

I leaned against the edge of the sink after it had finished draining the hot, soapy water. Watching Leia as she finished drying and putting away the last of the dishes. "I like this." Her shy smile lit up her face as she continued drying off the Tupperware.

"Me too," I moved behind her, wrapping my arms around her waist peppering kisses up and down her neck.

"You know you can mark me, right?" Her blunt words shocked me as my lips stilled on her tan skin.

"Only if you wanted to." She dried her hands off as she leaned back against me.

"And if I did want to?" Her voice was teasing as she turned in my arms, looping her arms behind my neck.

"Then I say we go for it," I smirked against her skin, dragging my lips up to place a quick kiss on her lips.

She didn't reply as she pulled me closer to her, dragging me into her kiss. My heartbeat quickened in my chest, the pace of her own matching as our skin molded into one another.

Before she could get the chance to deepen the kiss and forget what we were doing, I trailed my kisses down her jaw and neck, stopping from time to time to nibble and suck on her sensitive skin.

The gasps and moans slipping through her mouth had me grateful my brothers and their mate snuck off. Testing the water, I let my lips trail over the side of her neck and her collarbone until she grasped onto my shoulders, quivering in my arms as I found the spot I would mark her.

Pausing, letting her make her final choice before I wouldn't be able to stop the beast that was clawing inside of me to get out. She breathlessly nodded against my neck, giving me the permission, I needed as my fangs elongated, my eyes glowing in the reflection of the window in front of us as I sunk my teeth into the spot I had just claimed, now claiming it and her as mine.

The jolt between us both as the bond was half sealed had my Lycan howling, demanding for her mark as she began to move her supple lips against the hollow of my neck, my chest rumbled but she didn't stop until I was gripping her hips.

She smirked lightly against my skin, placing another teasing kiss against the sensitive skin as a growl slipped from me before she sank her teeth into my neck. Thoughts flashed through my mind of her life; her mother when she was young, a little boy with curly hair holding onto her tan hand, her father's heartbroken face, the same boys solemn face as she drove away in a car. Friends, family, holidays, dates, school, vacations. Memories flew by so fast that I couldn't keep up with them all as I gasped, my eyes locking onto Leias, tears gathered in her eyes as she witnessed the same thing as me.

They tell you the mate bond is strong, that you see things you won't be able to get out of your head. Its why they advise you to wait for your mate, because your mate will see everything you've ever done, even for that split second.

My heart was full as I beamed down at her, a tear escaped her soft eyes as I wiped it away with the pad of my thumb. Laying my forehead against hers I breathed in deeply, her scent mingling in with my own, causing my beast to hum in appreciation.

That night no sleep was achieved, both of our beasts high on the mate bond as we completely sealed it, our marks standing out proudly against our necks.

The wounds still fresh that would have festered and healed over if the bond hadn't been completed, but as we completed it our marks would heal and take nicely, only slightly sore as we had bitten into the wounds again as we mated.

My eyes took in the two half-moon bites decorating just over Leia's shoulder, not all mates choose to mark their mate on the necks, you could mark them anywhere to claim them, but as an Alpha the drive to mark our mates on a space we would be able to show it off was too strong to pass up.

I grinned to myself as Leia subconsciously curled tighter into my embrace, her bare skin sliding against my own. I had come to realize that this was what I had been waiting for all my life, I had been waiting for this exact moment. 

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