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"Children," My three siblings and I turned, looking at my mother who stood at the edge of the room

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"Children," My three siblings and I turned, looking at my mother who stood at the edge of the room. "I threw myself to the wolves, only to learn the tenderness of their howl, and the loyalty in their blood." The four of us clambered onto our youngest sibling, Bexley, bed knowing that is how our mother always started out a story she would tell us before bed.

When my father asked about it one night she simply looked at him before finally saying, "Well, is it not true? I wasn't a wolf. I became one. Now out, let me tell a story to my children."

I distinctly remember him smiling; not a fake smile he gives during meetings. But a full-fledged smile he gave to us children and my mother. "Your children, huh?" He left the room, but I knew he was sitting out in the hall listening, I could see his shadow. He loved moms' stories just as much as we did.

She sat in the middle of the bed, letting the four of us curl around her, brushing her long white hair over her shoulder she began. "There are beasts in the world. Kinds that haunt your father and me at night for what they could have taken from us." She briefly ran her fingers through both twins' hair and my young mind remembered back when they were in the hospital when I had met Leroy and he had saved my twin brothers. I could faintly remember something horrid attacking my mother as we strolled through the woods, her hand clutching her swollen stomach.

"They are not like us though, while we can choose to shift; these, beasts, rouges, they are forced into a shift, the beast in them is stronger than the human, it overpowers them. You can tell them apart from us as well, while we can choose our hind legs or all four, they are forced onto their hind legs, their glowing yellow eyes giving them away. Before I was a part of your father's pack, I lived in the woods, hunting the bea-" Her story was cut off by a loud shrill of an alarm. It jerked all of us upright, even Bexley who was beginning to nod off against our mother.

Letting the pack know we were under attack.

My mother turned to me, looking at me with her comforting dark eyes as the thin scars lightly marring her skin made her look more like a warrior than a mother right now. "Take your siblings to the safe room at once. Children listen to your brother he's in charge." She left the room swiftly, after briefly pressing a kiss to each of our cheeks.

Tugging a groggy Bexley into my arms, I pushed her dark curls out of my face as the twins flanked behind me, standing close. Being the oldest meant that I was supposed to keep us safe, I knew I could make it to the safe room, it was only a floor down at the end of the hall.

Bexley's whining had me worried though, if someone was in the house they'd be able to hear us immediately. "Bexley, hush."

Her whines turned into soft sobs causing us to stop in the middle of the hall, still too far away from the safe room. "Bexley, you have to be quiet, what's wrong?"

Her bright blue eyes matched our father's as they gleamed with tears. "My teddy." Her bottom lip wobbled as Ellis groaned.

She had been attached to the brown bear that the three of us had gotten for her when she was born. Our parents soon realized that she wouldn't sleep without it and it had become a crutch for our younger sister, who we consequently couldn't say no to.

"Let's just go grab it real quick, if someone's here they'll hear her," Wilder whispered, his heart going out to the little girl we all would give our lives for if it came to that.

We rounded back to her room, her cries quieting off once she realized we were going to get it. I set her down as she ran to get it from her bed, as her fingers latched onto it, we heard footsteps thundering from the hall.

"Hide." I hissed to the twins, snatching Bexley who was still half on the bed. Clamping my hand over her mouth we hid in the closet, watching through the slits as our siblings wiggled their way under the bed, just in time for the door to burst open and a man, no a beast, with glowing eyes stepped into the room, his nostrils flaring.

My eyes kept flickering to one of the twins' little foot peeking out from under the bed. My throat constricted as Bexley's tears were wetting my hand preventing her from making any noises. Just as he was rounding the bed I put Bexley into the corner, away from the doors placing my finger over my mouth.

She nodded, understanding, her coiled curls bouncing as I peeked back out of the slits in the closet. The beast, the one our mother was talking about had wrapped his grimy paw around the twins' foot, dragging him out only for him to be dragged back under. His sinister smirk fueled my anger as I launched myself out of the closet yelling, just as my mother threw herself into the room, launching herself at the rouge. Only she was only half shifted, her claws and teeth elongated as she growled.

Why isn't she fully shifted?

Avoiding the fighting wolves, I dove under the bed, grabbing both twins by their shirts shoving them toward the closet that they stumbled into. Shutting the door behind us my heart thundered in my chest as the bed collapsed as the rolling beasts were each putting up a good fight.

"Kendan get them out of here now!" My mother growled out, letting me know it was her Lycan fighting for control.

Turning I saw Wilder holding onto Bexley who was grasping the bear. Nodding to them we left the room quickly, none of us seeing Bexley who gasped and dropped the bear, wailing at the sight of her bloodied mother.

The rogues' eyes tracked us until my mother launched herself at him again.

We were running down the halls now, not caring if we made any noise. We had to tell someone our mother needed help. Which is why we also didn't notice our father's footsteps as we crash into his solid body as we rounded a corner.

His eyes that matched the oldest and youngest of the siblings growled when he saw Ellis bloodied leg from the beast's claws digging into them, and his little girl's tear-streaked face.

"Where have you been. Everyone else is accounted for, where's your mother. The pack said she went to find you four when you weren't there, and she had checked to make sure all of the pack was secured." Kendan feared his father for the first time in his young ten winters, his eyes and voice were shifting back and forth as his Lycan fought for control, wanting his mate.

"Dad I, dad I don't know, I don't know what happened. It, the beast found us, we went, we went back for the bear. The stupid bear! And mom," My voice cut off as it was thick with tears. My father, my Alpha caught onto what I was saying as he tore down the hall, his Lycan still fighting for control as fur would spurt up out of his skin.

The siblings slowly followed their father, wanting to know if their mother, there Luna was okay. The urge too strong to resist as they stood watching from outside the cracked door. Their father had given out a terrible cry dropping to the ground, cradling their mother who sat on the ground sobbing, clutching her stomach as blood surrounded her on the ground. The dead beast, sitting right by the bear, whose head was torn off and sitting in his other hand.

When both twins grabbed my arms and started dragging us to the safe room, I didn't fight it. 

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