chapter 2 - The last of the super naturals (pic of natalia)

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Hiya I think you will like this chapter more then the last one. :)

Here you go......

Chapter 2:

Darren's POV:

I had been searching for this girl for as long as I can remember me and Drake had been looking for her ever since my grandfather told me the story that there is three super naturals left in the world and very soon a time will come that they will be needed to save the entire world. I found Drake 3 years ago when we were both just 11 years old. He had already realised his talent , He could make a invisible shield and control water with his mind. It has taken me 4 years and numerous private detectives but I finally found her she is in an orphanage in a small city in England called Carlisle. The detective came up to me.

"This is the address of the orphanage" He said handing me a slip of paper "and her name is Natalia Thompson" Natalia ... it sounds Italian?

"Thank you" I told him handing him a wad of cash.

He walked out of the door to my house which I share with Drake in California.

"Hey maybe this Natalia girl is hot , I hope so then we can carry on the super natural race." Drake said from behind me.

I glared at him. He is such a player "You're such a player you would only get her pregnant then leave her" I said and he shrugged. "Probably" was all he said before walking towards his room. I grabbed a small suite case from the cupboard. "Where you going?" Drake asked me.

"To England to get Natalia, Its better if I go ; I don't want you scaring her away " I shouted back so that he could hear me. I heard him humph from the other room and I quietly laughed.

I got drake to book a plane ticket for me while I packed a few things in a bag. I was all ready to go so I set off to the airport.

*2 hours later*

Drake was grumpy the whole way to the airport complaining that I was going to steal the girl he wants. I don't know why he is so bothered about her. If it wasn't for this whole save the world thing I wouldn't even be looking for this girl she's probably some boring little ugly girl who does everything she's told.

"Flight 213 is now boarding" I heard the announcer say over all of the noise in the airport.

*Getting off the plane* I walked into the street out of the airport and I tried to flag down a taxi but they just kept driving right past.

"Stupid English people" I muttered.

I heard someone giggle behind me and turned to see a girl who looked about 13 with bleach blonde hair. "We do it differently here in England" She told me. She rang a number on her phone and I just stood there not quite knowing what to do. Then a few minutes later a taxi pulled up in front of us. "Oh now I get it you have to call them" I said and she giggled again.

We both got in the taxi and the driver asked where we wanted to go I thought I would be polite and let her go to her place first but she nudged me and I said "Carlisle orphanage please" He nodded and The girl gave me a questioning look. "I'm Perry by the way" she said. "Darren" I replied.

"If you don't mind me asking, why are you going to the orphanage?" She inquired. "My friends there" I lied I didn't even know this girl but I couldn't say I need this girls help to save the world now could I?.

"okay" she replied sweetly. I think Drake would like this girl. He likes the blonde girls.

We pulled up outside of a rundown building that looked a bit like a hotel. In the yard at the front it had a sign saying 'St. Fryers Orp an e' I think it was supposed to say St. Fryers orphanage but oh well. I climbed out of the taxi and paid the taxi driver, I waved goodbye to Perry and turned towards the building. I walked round the back of the Orphanage and found a few children playing in the back yard. There was about 9 girls but which one is Natalia! In the corner a girl that looked about 14 was sitting she had deep light blue eyes and hair red like fire in loose ringlets while she sat on the floor , arms around her legs as if she was holding herself together there were boys around her that looked around fifteen or sixteen they were taunting her and laughing at her. I felt draw to this girl almost like I HAD to make everything perfect for her.

"Hey!" I shouted to them and they all looked at me. "Leave her alone " They started to walk towards me with their hands balled into fists and smirks playing on their faces I saw that there were five of them and I was hugely out numbered. "We were only playing with Talia" Well I guess that girl isn't Natalia then I thought. "Yeah Natalia is one of our friends " The other guy joked. Natalia? And then it hit me Talia is a nickname for Natalia , I am so stupid some times her face was now raised to look at me and i could see her features better , behind the jumper that was far too big for her you could tell she was really beautiful . While I was thinking one of the guys lunged for me and went to punch me in the face the next thing I knew his whole weight had been lifted off of me.

Natalia's POV:

I was sitting in the corner watching the other kids playing when Nick , jack, Robert , mark and Jayden came up to me and started saying things like 'don't worry mammy will pick you up soon' and things like that because I have no mother i should be used to it by now but it still hurt, they dont have mothers either other than Jayden but they don't seem to care I was blanking out there hurtful comment's when I heard a guys voice shout "Hey leave her alone" all of the guys turned to him and started walking towards him and I could tell a fight was about to break out but it was obvious who would lose . It was 5 on 1 ! so when Jack lunged for the guy I jumped to my feet and dragged Jack off him and threw him about 10 feet away which would of been impossible for a girl my size to do with just a flick of my hand. I guess my secrets out now I thought while burning putting a ring of fire around me and the guy who i didnt even know. I don't know why I'm risking my life for this person who I don't even know but it feel's...right. For all I know he could be from the government coming to get me. The guy looked shocked so I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the front of the Orphanage. I'm finally getting out I thought to myself . So I quickly hotwired the motorbike that was in front of the Orphanage the guy jumped on the back and I started driving towards Leeds. I had to get out of Carlisle because now the government would be after me.

"I'm Darren By the way" The guy behind me said.

"I'm Natalia" I told him keeping my eyes on the road. A crash is the last thing I need.

"I know" he muttered obviously he didn't want me to hear but I did.

"Oh no you're not the government" I said getting ready to push him off of the bike.

"No, I'm the exact opposite" He said. Ok now I was confussed

"Just wait till we get out of Cumbria and then pull up in a cafe or something" He continued.

I nodded my head knowing that he could see since he is behind me.

For the rest of the ride we drove in silence until I pulled up outside of a star bucks.

We went in and we ordered two hot chocolates. I sat at a table away from everyone else and Darren sat in front of me. I knew what i had to do now , a thing I had done so man times before but for some strange reason I think I will miss Darren.

"I think this is a good time for me to leave you , because no-one will remember that you had anything to do with me and this way you won't have the government on your back" I said and took a mouth full of my hot chocolate.

"That doesn't matter I'm like you , we need each other " He said and I spat out my hot chocolate onto him. He flinched a bit but still waited for me to say something.

I stood up "I don't need you! What I need is my family back my mum, dad and grandparents but it doesn't look like I'm going to get them back since there all dead" I nearly shouted at him but I managed to keep my voice down since we were in a public place and I think i've had enough attention for one day.

Darren's POV:

If bringing back her family got her to trust me then and come with me that's what I would have to do.

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