13. Lucas High , Enemy territory

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Firstly this has NOT been edited. Enjoy ! :D

Chapter 13:

Luke's POV:

*The morning of the day they are planning on saving Kayla*

We were deciding how we could sort this out and decided that we should give Blake a gun just in case someone attacks him while he tries to save Kayla and Annabelle.

"I wish I brought my gun" Blake complained.

"Why can't you just go and get it you can transport cant you?" Danny asked.

"he can but it weakens him every time he does and we want him to have all his strength for Kayla and Annabelle because transporting himself and two other people is hard for him" I answered for Blake.

"What type of gun were you wanting? I've got a riffle" Adam offered.

"No I wanted my Spoiler" Blake replied. We all laughed (a/n in case you don't know its like a machine gun, I got the name of the gun off my brother LOL.)

I heard a scream inside my head and I immediately stopped laughing. It was Kayla. I looked at my dad.

"Kayla's in trouble, Blake needs to get her NOW!" I shouted. He ran to the cabinet and pulled out a Revolver and handed it to Blake.

"It's only got one bullet I'm afraid but hopefully you won't need it anyways" My dad told him.

We all watched as Blake's figure got fainter and fainter then he was gone. I hope Kayla's ok.

Blake's POV:

I hope I don't mess this up I thought and then focused on 'The golden Warehouse' in Paris. I opened my eyes and looked around; Well Danny had said they are in the hidden room near the back. I slowly made my way towards the back of the building being careful not to be seen. I got to the back of the warehouse and was faced with a blank grey wall nothing, no doors , no handles , nothing just grey wall.

There must be a secret door somewhere maybe you just can't see it I thought. I walked along the wall tapping the wall as I went and that's when I felt it, the wall went softer. I couldn't figure out a way to get it open so quickly looking around making sure no one was there I Kicked it through. That's when I saw a terrifying scene in front of me , a girl around Kayla's age was shouting at Kayla to put pressure on her wound and keep awake. I guess this girl is Annabelle.

I hadn't met Kayla before but had seen photo's of her. She was lying on her back in the cell across from Annabelle and had blood dripping down from her I could see that if I didn't try to heal her a bit now she would soon die. I looked at the girl I thought was Annabelle.

"Are you Annabelle?" I asked her quickly.

"Yes" She replied shakily.

"Well I'm Blake and I need you to help me, Danny sent me for you , you're going to have to help me keep Kayla awake while I treat her. "

"Ok" she said with red rimmed eye's.

I transported into her cell and picked her up in my arms. I then transported us into Kayla's cell. With all this transporting I knew my Healing power would be weaker I just hope it's enough to save Kayla from dying. Annabelle grabbed onto Kayla's hand and I kneeled down next to Kayla. I looked at her injuries I saw that she had broken ribs and a stab wound that had went through some of her main organs.

I had to reset her Ribs first so that they would set right when I healed them. I was short of time so I placed the revolver down beside me and slammed the ribs back into place Kayla bit down hard on her lip drawing blood and she whimpered I quickly started to heal Kayla and realised the horror in Annabelle's face at what I had done to Kayla.

I was still healing Kayla when her eye's drifted closed. I'm not working fast enough but there is no way for me to work quicker. I heard someone step through the hole I had created in the door. My hand flew to where the gun lay and I picked it up I looked up to see an old man and instantly knew this must be Danny's father they look so much alike. He opened the cell door. "So sad " He said faking sadness. My grip tightened on the gun and I looked down at Kayla. I was getting more worried for her as every second ticked by. As I was lost in thought I noticed He had lunged for the gun and without thinking I shot him straight through the head.

I decided not to worry about that at the moment and turned my attention back to Kayla , I couldn't heal Kayla alone I would need another healer to help me so I would have to get back to Lucas High. I picked up Kayla in my arms and told Annabelle to hold on tight she did as she was told just as four guards came through the opening in the wall. I saw my surroundings disappear around me and came face to face with Luke as we faded back into Lucas High.

Luke grabbed Kayla out of my arms and lay her down on the sofa pushing Shaun off in the process who hadn't yet realised what was going on.

Luke's POV:

I lay Kayla down on the sofa and accidentally pushed Shaun of by doing so, I would apologize later first I needed to get Kayla fixed up. My dad already had the school's nurse, Raul (a/n remember all super naturals are boys well other than Kayla) just in case for when Blake brought Kayla back.

"I can heal Kayla but I will need Raul's help" he told us. Raul also had the power of healing. I reluctantly moved out of the way and let Blake and Raul do what they need to do. I watched as Danny embraced Annabelle in a hug obviously glad to have her back. I couldn't help thinking that , that should be me and Kayla.

*42 minutes Later*

I sat anxiously on the sofa waiting for Kayla to wake up. Raul and Blake had done a good job and now Kayla was lying there on the sofa without a scratch on her sleeping blissfully. Frankie a sorcerer had came and removed the jewel necklace from around Kayla's neck so now she could use er powers again.

Everyone else had went to get food other than Blake and Louise who had went to get there stuff as Blake had been desperate to get back to Iowa so that he could get some normality as he like to call it.

Kayla started to stir and I ran to her side. She tried to sit up and I placed an arm around her back supporting her as she sat up. Not that she needed it she was as healthy as she was before the whole thing with Danny's dad.

Kayla opened her eyes and looked straight at me she jumped up from the sofa and wrapped her arms around my neck kissing me passionately on the lips just as Danny and my dad decided to walk through the door. We both broke away from the kiss and I saw Kayla blush, I grabbed her hand in mine and the blush got even deeper.

Dad had two hotdogs in his hand he handed one to each of us.

"Thought you would both be hungry " Dad said with a smile.

"yeah hungry for each other" Danny added while laughing.

Annabelle walked through the door and Danny looked adoringly at her.

"Well I thought you would like to know that you won't have to worry about a war with France anymore" Danny told us.

"Did your father change his mind" Kayla said happily.

"No my father is dead he lunged for Blake and Blake shot him through the head" Danny told us with no hint of loss or grief in his voice.

"So as next in line for the throne I have decided to declare that there will be no war between France and Spain instead an alliance could be formed" Danny said his voice full of hope.

Kayla's Dad appeared out of basically no where I didn't even realise he was here. He gave her a big hug "Kayla , Honey thank god you are fine. I can't believe The king of France was willing to kill you just because I had been on enemy Territory."


Ok well that's it the end. There will be one more chapter though that will tell you what happened after it an epilogue. Hope you enjoyed this story.


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