11.Lucas High, enemy territory

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Chapter 11:

Kayla's POV:

I woke up with something round my mouth, Tape? . I ripped it off quickly and tried not to scream, Tried and failed. I jumped up from the creaky bed. Ouch my back is really stiff. When I jumped I felt something hard hit my neck.

It was a huge sapphire looking jewel around my neck. I tried to full it off but it was like it had been made part of my body. Then a thought came into my head, I bet a sorcerer put it there. I looked around the room to see what else there was in here , There wasn't much just a sink, a bed , a chair and a small window-just big enough so that I might be able to squeeze out of it- with bar's across it.

I went up to the window to see if I knew where I was, Great I'm on an island surrounded by water just what I would like (note the sarcasm.)Well at least I can fly I thought. Yeah that'll be my plan wait till no one is around then I can melt the bars and squeeze out then all I've got to do is fly home, If only I knew which direction home was....

Well no-one is around now I thought to myself. I lifted my hand up planning to melt the bars but nothing happened , not even a spark. I groaned and slammed my hands against the wall. Oww that actually hurt, weird hurt I haven't felt that since before I got my powers. I heard a loud booming laugh behind me and saw a man standing there "aww princess not getting everything she wants" he taunted.

I glared at him "Who are you and why am I here?" I demanded. "I'm king of France and you should know and if you don't know then well you are far stupider than you look"He said before turning to walk out. If he's the king of France then he must be Danny's dad!

Luke's POV:

I got home from the concert to find the room door wide open and no sign of Kayla anywhere , me and the guys looked around everywhere trying to find her after looking around for about 30 minutes I decided to contact my dad. I rang him and told him what had happened "you left her on her own!" he screamed at me down the phone "what if she's been kidnapped" he continued to shout.

I stood there silently one the phone , what could I say ? the more I thought about it the more I thought he was right and I knew exactly who would want her and who has her ; Danny.

"dad you need to get here now" I told him still on the phone as calmly as possible. Withing minutes dad was in mine and Kayla's room. I told him that I thought that Danny had her but he disagrees and said that it was Danny's dad that wanted her in the first place so it will be Danny's dad that has her now.

"Where do Danny and his father live most of the time?" I asked my father. "how will that help"he questioned.

"I'm going to get Kayla back after all I can't just leave her there"

"No.Never.No way" My dad replied "we will think off another way, you would just get yourself kidnapped"

The guys all stood and watched as me and my dad tried to come up with a way to rescue Kayla. After a while me and my dad had came up with lots of plans , just none that would work well. "Thats it I'm going to get Kayla "I said turning for the door.

"Boy's grab him" My dad said and of course they did as they were told, my dad controls the whole of Super-natural America after all.

"Dad I have to get her back" I pleaded. "We will but it won't be you going to get her , I have an idea" He said with that thoughtful look on his face that I have seen so many times.

"Ok tell me" I told him. So my dad started to explain. "We could get your cousin Blake to help out all we need is the perfect timing and a reason for Blake to be there , hopefully someone is ill and need's a doctor, Your cousin has developed strong healing powers."

"That's perfect "I said. My cousin Blake had two super powers , he could heal and transport himself with up to two people with him.


My dad sorted everything out and Blake's here now , His girlfriend Louise wanted to meet the prince of America (me) so he brought her with him. Fabulous(NOT!) She is nice though but nothing compared to Kayla. I miss her so much but I will get her back all we need is to find out where she is being kept shouldn't be too hard.

*A few days later*

THIS IS TOO HARD!!! We have been trying to find Kayla for about 3 days now and we just can't seem to figure out where she is everything lead's to a dead end.

Kayla's POV:

I have been in this cell for 3 day's, I think? There is a girl who is my age she's Danny's dad's servant who is in the cell across from mine we talk sometimes she's called Annabelle and She's in love with Danny but that's how she ended up in the cell.

Her and Danny told his dad that they were going to be together and he got angry and threw her in there and told them his son will never be with a simple maid. It's such a sad story I told her about Luke and she said he sounded nice.

Luke's POV:

I got a message today:

'I know you want to know where Kayla is , I have the answers meet me in the park near the school at 8pm.ALONE'

That's all it said no name , nothing. It was typed so I couldn't tell who's hand writing it was.

I can't decide to go or not what if it is a trick. I was going to ask dad what he thinks but he would never let me go. I need to get Kayla back and if going there mean's I might get her back then I'm just going to have to go.


I threw on my trainers and ran towards the park. Then I saw someone leaning against a tree. It was dark so I couldn't see his face but it was defiantly a man. I walked closer.

"Lukeyy!!! You came" I heard them shout. Wait I know that voice Danny! This must be a trick. I readied myself just in case.

Danny must have noticed as he stuck his hands up. "Look Luke I was just doing what I was told to by my dad, I hated doing it really I did." I could see his face clearly now that the moon was shining on it.

I saw the expression on his face he was telling the truth. "Let's talk someplace else" I suggested.

Danny nodded his head and came to walk beside me. We got back to my room without anyone seeing us. "well Luke a little birdy told me you were looking for kayla" Danny said , not nastily in a friendly kind of way.

"Yeah we can't find where that father of yours is keeping her though." I told him honestly.

"Well he's hardly ever really been my father all he cares about is someone to take the throne when he dies that's why I left. Look to cut things short you need my help and I need yours "

"You need my help?" I questioned.

"yeah there's this really cool girl I like called Annabelle and my Dad's keeping her in the same place that he is keeping Kayla because she is one of our maids and he says I shouldn't be in love with a maid. So I was thinking when you rescue Kayla can you help me get Annabelle as well" He finished.

"Ok we can do that but first where is your dad keeping them?"

"There being kept in a warehouse called The golden warehouse in Paris, but of course since its in Paris it's called L'entrepôt d'or it's the colour of gold on the outskirts of Paris you can't miss it."

"Ok Danny we better go tell my dad" I said. Your probably wondering why I'm trusting danny so much after everything that he has done and well to be truthful I don't know myself there's just something about the way he is acting.

"And one more thing" Danny said.

He paused and I nodded my head signalling for him to continue.

"Can I have my dorm room back" He asked and we both laughed.

"Sure" I replied and then we went to tell my dad all about the plan.


Did you like it? I hope so :) I think it's the longest chapter not by much but I think it is after all it was 5 pages on word so it's probably 2 on this?

So do you think Annabella and Danny would be a good couple and Blake and Louise ? or... should I kill them all!! (Evil laugh), only joking then no-one could save Kayla

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