Liam smiled as he left the two boys playing and went to chat to Harry in the other room. "How you feeling now love?" Liam asked and Harry sighed. "Whenever I seem to improve I just go downhill again a couple of hours later." Harry said and Liam sighed. "Hopefully It will pass after 12 weeks." Liam said. "Liam that's another 6 weeks what happens if they keep me here for that long, I can't stay here for another 6 weeks." Harry said and Liam knew he was working himself up. "Harry calm down." Liam said.

"We will work it out. Don't stress. Let's take one day at a time" Liam said. "I suppose just hate feeling like this and want to be home" Harry sighed. "I know you will soon" Liam replied. "Are you coming in today?" Harry asked. "No I'm staying with the boys as my sisters coming over but I go back to work tomorrow so I'll be able to see you during my breaks." Liam said and Harry smiled at that. "Okay that sounds great." Harry said. "Say Hi to Ruth, Joe and Jack for me, see you tomorrow" Harry said. "Yeah Course, I love you and I'll see you tomorrow." Liam said and once Harry had returned the I love you he put his phone back in his pocket and headed downstairs to see the boys. Harry watched some TVafter getting of the phone from his husband.

The two boys were playing with each other and have lots of fun. Liam played wtih the boys and they all had fun playing with trains and then with the lego till the doorbell went and Ruth and Jack came in. "Hey." Liam greeted hugging his older sister just as Niall came running over and quickly took Jake upstairs before Louis came over slowly.

"Hey Lou what's up?" Liam asked. Niall left me." Louis said raising his arms for Liam to pick him up. This was a common problem with Niall as he had a habit of leaving Louis out when Jake was around. Liam picked the boy up and carried him upstairs. Niall please include Louis when you and Jake are playing. Niall nods and tells his brother to come over. Liam smiles and watches before he goes back down to his sister.

"So any news about harry?" Ruth asked and Liam beamed at that topic. "Woah okay what are you so happy about I thought you'd be upset your husband is in the hospital." Ruth said. "No of course I am but it's the reason he's in there that's making me smile." Liam said and Ruth motioned for him to carry on. "Harry's pregnant." Liam said after making sure none of the kids had come down without them hearing. "No way." Ruth said not believing her younger brother but when Liam pulled out the sonogram image Ruth smiled. "Aw Li congrats this is great news another baby to add to the family." "I know but we're not telling the boys till Harry's 12 weeks so keep it quiet." Liam explained. "Yeah Course how far along is he at the moment?" Ruth asked. "6." Liam said and Ruth nodded. "That's so amazing but ashame Harry is suffering she said. Liam nodded "really bad morning sickness we worked it out whrn gem went upstairs Christmas with perfume on but didnt say anythimg till it was confirmed" Liam said. Ruth nodded understanding.

"I take it mum and dad know" Ruth said. "Yeah everyone does now except the kids and Sam." Liam said and Ruth nodded. "Do you want me to keep it quiet from Jake as well." Ruth asked. "Could you, I just don't want him letting it slip to Niall." Liam replied. "Yeah it's fine Li, I'd be the same." Ruth said and Liam smiled and the pair quickly changed the topic when Louis appeared. They talked about what Ruth, Jake and Sam have done in the holidays. Just as Louis came downstairs wanting a cuddle.

Liam cuddled Louis and shortly after called the boys down for dinner. Niall and Jake quickly appeared sitting down at the table and both Liam and Ruth laughed at the speed of the boys when it came to food. Liam had made sandwiches for everyone including a cheese one for Louis. For Louis sandwich he had cut the crusts of and only given him half a slice of bread with cheese on. "Here you go you two." Liam said putting the plate of sandwiches in the middle and the 2 boys wasted no time in grabbing one.

"Right Lou, I've made a special one for you." Liam said hoping Louis might be up for food that day.  Louis looked at it and didn't move to eat it so Liam decided to break it up to bitesize pieces "Right I want you to eat at least 3 pieces." Liam said but Louis still didn't make a move so Liam picked up one piece and held it up to Louis' mouth. "Open." Louis just stubbornly shook his head and held his lips tightly shut. Liam sighed and grabbed a milkshake to see if Louis would have that. "Baby what's going on, why won't you eat again?" Liam asked as he placed the milkshake down on the table and Louis took a couple of sips before refusing anymore. "Why you not drinking does it hurt your tummy" Liam asked. The five year old shrugged. Liam are his lunch before doing a tube feed letting Jake and niall go of and play.

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