Chase and I nodded, she started to type away in her computer. I looked out the glass windows out into the busy hallways, students were walking around and others just talking to their friends.

"Here you go. Welcome to 'Dodger High'." She smiled handing our schedules, we grabbed them with a small smile.

The door to, I guess, the principals office swung open and a black haired, green eyed girl came out. She kinda reminded me of her. "You need to straighten up and stop misbehaving." A guy, who appeared to be the principal, told her as he followed her out.

"Whatever Mike." The girl waved, the principal glanced at us. "Forget detention. Lauren, you'll show the new students around." He told her.

She stopped before she could open the door, she glanced at us and her eyes lingered on me a little longer. "Alright." She shrugged.

"Here, let me see both of you're schedules." Green eyes said, we handed them to her. As she looked at them, I took in what she was wearing. Combat boots, skinny jeans, band t-shirt and to top it off a leather jacket. Everything was black.

Well, I found the schools trouble maker. Fun. "You weirdly have the same classes, except you have AP algebra and Dance while you have regular algebra and Band." She said pointing at me then Chase.

"Yeah, because I'm smarter then you." I teased my brother, "At least I'm not a nerd." He shot back, "That might be, but at least I'll have more options on what to do with my life." I countered.

"We all know that you'll take over Moms Fashion company or whatever it is." He waved, "Cause clearly, you have no since of fashion. Tech geek." I smirked, causing him to glare as we walked out of the office and down the hallway.

   Again the kids stared, whispering among themselves. No doubt figuring out who we were. "Let me guess, Twins?" The Lauren girl asked amused, "Oui." We both said, "French?" She asked, "Ahhh, Paris." We sighed reminiscing our home.

  "Stop that. That's creepy." She said with a shiver. "Anyway, I'm Lauren and that puts back there was the principal, aka, my father." Lauren grumbled, "I'm Y/N and that's Chase." I introduced.

  "Cool. Here's your lockers." She said as we stopped in front of some lockers, Chase and I's were only two apart. It didn't take long to open them and get everything situated.

  "So, did you two just move here from Paris?" Lauren asked as she leaned on the lockers, watching the students pass by.

  "Actually, we just moved here from London two weeks ago." Chase answered as he just basically threw everything into his locker. Pig. Don't get me wrong, I don't organize everything. But I'm not a complete slob.

  "We haven't been able to really be in Paris in two years. Our Father goes back every so often, only no more then a week every few months." I finished shutting my locker along with Chase.

  "That really sucks, maybe one day. Alright, we have first, second, lunch,seventh and eighth period together." Lauren told us as we walked down the hallway.


  In first period which was English we all decided to sit in the back. I hate sitting in the front. Makes more attention on you, I don't like attention. It's bad enough because of my family.

The bell rang, "Alright class, we have two new students, Y/N and Chase
Y/L/N." The teacher smiled pointing at us, causing everyone to glance at us. "They just moved here from London, so behave." He finished, the whispers began.

"Holy shit. You two really the children of Constance and Damien
Y/L/N." One guy said and I rolled my eyes. "Can it Simpson. No one wants to hear your no-lip mouth talk." Lauren growled, the guy glared at her.

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