"Ah, yes. Table for two?"

I nodded, smiling. "Follow me." She strutted over to a booth by the window over-looking the street and passing vehicles. Finn and I took a seat opposite each other. "Can I get you both anything to drink?"

"I'll have a Pepsi. Finn?"

"Um, just the same, thanks." The girl left a couple of menus, before she walked off.

The restaurant was very sultry and sophisticated. Numerous lit candles were scattered around the dining area, along with burgundy decòr and rusty leather seating. It was fairly dark inside, though we were sat by the window where the sun shimmered through.

I focused my attention back on my boyfriend. He was fiddling with his fingertips, occasionally brushing a hand through his hair. Yet again, he'd styled it so it flopped over one eye, as opposed to spiking it up slightly. I liked it more this way, he looked more mysterious which was such a turn-on.

"I like how you've done your hair," I admitted.

"Thanks, it's like this naturally."

"Really? Nice. What colour would your hair be if you didn't dye it?"

"Um, like, ash-blond, kinda. I take it you don't dye yours?"

"Nope, mine is just boring brown."

"Brown isn't boring. Brown is fucking sexy."

"Haha, cheers." A lady appeared at our table with our two Pepsis. She was short and slim with a loose bun tied at the top of her head.

"Hello, my name is Ally, I'll be your waitress tonight. Do you two know what you'll be eating tonight?" Ally welcomed.

"Um, can I have the rib-eye, please?" Finley ordered.

"And how would you like that cooked?"


"Okay," she replied, scribbing down some notes on a small notepad. "And you, Sir?"

"I'll have the salmon, thanks."

She took away our menus as she left. I couldn't wait for the food, I was starving. I hadn't eaten since noon and my stomach was beginning to make some strange noises, especially now knowing what I'd ordered. The salmon here was absolutely delightful, and I wasn't usually one for seafood either.

I wondered how the fuck Finn would manage to stuff a steak. He was a small lad, weight-wise, it would surprise me if he could even handle three bites.

After some casual chit-chat and occasional flirting, our meals came and we tucked in. Hastily, I wolfed down the salmon. It was delicious, just like I remembered. The taste slithered down my tongue and into my belly with ease. About ten minutes later I looked over at Finn's plate that he'd completely demolished. He actually ate the whole thing? Who'd have guessed it.

"Fuck, that was good," he hummed.

"I know, right? The food here is bloody amazing."

"I noticed."

Our waitress came back, her red lips spread wide. "Did you enjoy your meals?"

"Oh, gosh, yes," Finley grinned.

"I'm glad to hear it. Can I get you any desserts?"

Finn nodded. "Um, yeah, can I get the cheesecake. What do you want, babe?"

Ally - our waitress - looked completely taken aback, suddenly. Her smile dropped and her gaze turned cold and venemous. What was her problem? We hadn't done anything, had we? "I'm sorry, babe? Are you two dating?"

"Uh, yeah? Is that a problem?" I said, squinting at her.

"Actually, it is. We don't tolerate that kind of behaviour in this building. Frankly, it's disgusting," she spat. Well, she just pissed off the wrong person. My fist was twitching to connect with her face. All I saw was red. That fucking bitch, I could've killed her then and there. I didn't care that she was a woman, she shouldn't have been treating us like that.

"Wanna say that again, bitch?" I snapped. A couple people around us gasped.

"Disgusting faggots," she hissed. I leapt up from my seat in the booth, towering over the petite lady. She cowered back now seeing how tall I actually was and the size of my pecks through my shirt.

"You fucking cow, you just ruined my date with your pig-headedness. I hope your bloody happy!" I seethed. I stepped closer to her. Her eyes widened. She was scared, I knew she was. She couldn't hurt me, only spit meaningless profanities.

"I'm going to have to ask you to leave, Sir."

"I'm gonna have to leave? Excuse me, but you're the one who just called me disgusting for liking someone! I hope you lose your fucking job, tramp!"

"Zak, bloody hell, let's just go. That bitch doesn't deserve it," my boyfriend muttered. He threw a couple of pound notes on the table and grabbed ahold of ny arm to pull me out the restaurant with him.

"FUCKING BITCH!" I called behind my shoulder before we were officially on the streets outside.

I stormed back towards my car and got inside, slamming the door shut behind me. Finn also got in, but far less angrily. My blood was fizzling and popping, my knuckles white against the steering wheel. I could barely breathe with the rage boiling inside.

Why does this happen? Everytime I take someone out for dinner something terrible happens. With Skai, I got my arse kicked in. Finn, I was verbally assaulted by a bigot. Maybe I should just start taking dates home.

"You okay, baby?" Finley soothed. Gently, he began tracing circles along my shoulders and I lost myself in the feeling. My heartbeat slowed, as did my breathing. I could finally make sense of everything that had just unfolded.

"I guess."

"That woman was shitty, wasn't she?" He laughed. And I laughed, too.

"She was." I leaned back in my seat, shutting my eyes for a minute. "Wanna go to my house and fuck?"


Song: 'This Is Gospel' - Panic! At The Disco

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