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"Zak, this is Jack and Finley, but we all call him Finn," my cousin, Georgie, introduced.

"Yeah, we've met," I sighed.

"Hi, Zakary," Finley chuckled.

"I didn't realise you were friends with this doofus," I snarled at Georgie.

"Zak, be nice. Finn's cool," she said.

"Yeah, Zak, be nice," Finley mocked.

"Shut up, dickhead."

"That insult was sooooo 2007, why don't you just give up now?" The boy retorted.

"You're such a cock cheese!" I hissed.

"Cock cheese? Now we're getting somewhere," he laughed.

"Boys! Stop it. Zak, fair enough, but, Finn, you're meant to be the more mature one here!" Georgie intervinned.

"Whatever, he's just so stupid, I find it funny to rile him up," Finley giggled. With the assistance of that statement, every drop of blood in my body fizzed and popped, an explosion happening within me. I hadn't even realised I've thrown a punch at the silver-haired boy until I felt my fist throb and screams emmitt from the two girls. Jack just howled with laughter, as Finley laid unconsious on the concrete floor.

I gasped. I hadn't meant to punch him, he just set something off inside me that scared me and I just acted out if instinct. "OHMYGOD, IS HE DEAD??!!" Ellie screamed. Jack knelt by the boy's side and placed a hand over Finley's heart.

"Nope, but ya' boy doesn't half pack a punch. His lips are already swollen," Jack gaped.

"Zak, how could you?!! You just punched a blind boy! What do you have to say for yourself?" Georgie shrieked.

"Thank God someone did it." And then I strolled out of the courtyard, backpack slung over my shoulders.

I was called to the headteacher's office later that day. I sat slumped in the arm chair, awaiting his arrival, for what felt like hours. I heard the door creak open, and a boy slightly shorter than me took a seat. An ice pack was pressed against his left cheek, probably because it was still throbbing from the punch. The headteacher took a seat behind his desk, glaring at me before he spoke.

"So, Mr. Peters, you're the one who punched Mr. Renolds over here?" He said.

"Mhm, it was a pretty damn good hit, too. I mean, look at the kid, he's still in pain." Despite my efforts to keep the mood light, the headteacher's glare became even more deadly.

"Mr Peters, this is not a joke. That boy could have been seriously injured, all because of your actions. Now, apologize."

I turned to Finley. His sunglasses were no longer on his face, so it was the first time I'd ever properly inspected his face. He turned to face me, after the headteacher told him I was sat to his left, and our eyes came into contact. They were beautiful. They were the most vibrant yet chilling things I'd ever laid eyes on. Hues of azule rippled through them, accompanied by flecks of silver and navy blue. I knew I was staring, but I couldn't care less. It's not like Finley knew. Though Mr. Hopkins (the headteacher) seemed to pick up on hit, faintly clearing his throat.

"Finley, I'm sorry." I was almost suprised with the level of sincerity that statement upheld.

"Apology accepted," he smiled, obviously picking up on the fact that I was telling the truth.

"Alright, now that that's settled, we'll discuss punishments. Zakary, detention after school every night this week. Is that understood?" Mr. Hopkins sighed.

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