Chapter 13

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Landon and I had been going out for a week now and I can honestly say that it was more fun being friends. He was more fun and chilled out when we were friends but now he just keeps on kissing me all the time and it's kind of annoying. I can't even talk to Kylie like I normally used to because he's constantly around. He is really sweet though and I know he has the right intentions.

I'm not saying anything bad about him because he is amazing but I'd rather be single and be mates with him. He's not the right kind of person for me but I don't have it in me to tell him and break his heart. I'm not that cruel.

"Landon's here!" Ryan shouted.

Did I forget to tell you that he drives me to school every day? I actually don't mind but sometimes I like walking it and listening to music. It's kind of relaxing.

I went downstairs and grabbed my bag. I got out of the house and went to the car.

"Hi Alexa, you look gorgeous today," Landon said.

He came closer and kissed me on my lips.

"Hi," I said.

He drove us to school and I hopped out of the car. I walked quick, hoping that Landon would lose me. I found Kylie and hugged her.

"I can't do this with Landon anymore," I said.

"I can tell," she said.

"He's been kissing me so much, look my lips are chapped. I feel like Ron Weasley when Lavender wouldn't stop snogging him," I groaned.

"Look, here he comes," she said.

I looked behind me to see Landon.

"Hi, babes, almost lost you," he said.

He kissed me once again. I saw Kylie trying to keep her laughter in as I frowned at her.

We walked to our first lesson which was Food Tech. I dropped Kylie off and went to the principal's office. I had to go there instead of Food Tech now. Mr Porter said that whenever I'm in his office, I can catch up on my sleep. He said that I should see the doctor's but I don't want to. Tyler doesn't come to his office, he goes to the smoker's room.

Tyler hasn't been talking to me for a week now. I don't even know why. He's been avoiding me and I miss being around him.

I knocked on the door of the principal's office and entered.

"Hi, Alexa," he said.

"Hi, Sir," I said.

I sat down on the seat in the corner of the room. I put my knees up so that they were on the chair as well. I heard the phone on his desk ring and he answered the call and when he finished he put the phone down.

"I need to go to a classroom, there's been a boy who's causing havoc and he's refusing to leave," he said.

"Alright, bye," I said, yawning.

"Bye, you should try getting some rest," he said.

I smiled as he left the office. I pulled my phone out because I felt a vibration from it and saw a message from Kylie.

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