Chapter 5

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I was currently in Food Tech with Tyler. We decided that we'd help each other make everything rather than him make the dessert and I make the main course. Seeing as we both have a massive love for pizza, we decided to make a pizza and we'd make a chocolate mousse for the dessert.

We got a recipe off Google on how to make a chocolate mousse and we followed the instructions and left it in the fridge to set. Tyler kneaded the dough after we finished making it.

"You're supposed to add flour so it doesn't stick on the worktop, you idiot," I said.

"Well, I'm a bit busy, can't you get the flour?" He groaned.

I grabbed the flour packet and tried to open the packet but it wouldn't open. I tried harder and as I did so, the whole packet ripped open and flour covered my clothes. I heard a massive eruption of laughter coming from Tyler. I grabbed a handful of the flour, but before I could throw it all over his face, Miss Smith shouted aloud.

"Alexa, go to the bathroom and clean yourself up, you're supposed to be making the food, not dressing yourself up in it!" She yelled.

I glared at Tyler and opened my hand so that the flour, that was supposed to go on his face, dropped onto the floor. I walked out of the classroom and towards the bathroom. It's going to take me ages to clean up the flour of the floor and the worktop when I get back.

When I reached the bathroom, I was relieved when I saw that my hair had no flour in it, otherwise it would have taken me ages to take it out. I dusted off the flour on my clothes using my hands. It all came off after brushing it off a couple of times. I don't even know why Miss Smith sent me to the bathroom because the flour came off pretty quickly.

I went back to Food Tech and I saw Tyler spreading tomato purée on the pizza base that he had made into a circle shape. The counter had no traces of flour on it.

"Thanks for cleaning the flour up," I said to him.

He smiled in return.

"So what toppings are going on the pizza?" He asked.

"Anything but pineapple," I said.

"I hate it when people put pineapple on pizza," he said, scrunching his nose.

"I know, it's disgusting, pineapple and pizza don't mix," I agreed.

I grabbed the cheese packet and sprinkled it over the pizza. Tyler added sweetcorn and peppers onto the pizza and we were done. I put it in the oven and we started cleaning the counters.

After half an hour, the pizza was ready and the mousse was set. Tyler took the pizza out of the oven whilst I took the mousse out. We put it on the counter and waited for Miss Smith to come and taste the food.

"I really want to eat the pizza, it smells amazing," Tyler said.

"Well, you'll have to wait till Miss Smith comes and tastes it first," I said as my stomach grumbled.

Minutes later, Miss Smith came and she tried the pizza. She expected it to taste as disgusting as the first meal we made for her.

"I have to say that the pizza tastes really good and the mousse could be improved, you could've added more chocolate to the mix," she said.

She scribbled down on a piece of paper and handed it to us before moving onto the next pair. I looked at the paper and smiled at Tyler.

"She gave us 8 out of 10 for the pizza and 6 out of 10 for the mousse," I said.

Tyler squealed and picked me up and spun me around before putting me back down after Miss Smith shouted at him.

"I can't believe we got that, last time, we got no marks," Tyler grinned.

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