"Come on Haz, were going to get you some help." Liam said as he carefully pulled his husband up who groaned but nodded and tucked himself into Liam's side as they walked towards the nurse who showed them into the room.

The nurse took a history of what was wrong with Harry. Harry felt to weak to speak so Liam explained about the tiredness, the sickness, dizziness. The nurse took some notes. "We've also taken a pregnancy test and that's come back positive although we're yet to have it confirmed by a doctor." Liam also added and the nurse wrote that down.

"Have you got other kids?" The nurse asked. "Yeah 2 But ones adopted and the others the others biological?" Liam said.

"Did you experience similar symptoms then?" The nurse asked. "No Louis' pregnancy was pretty straight forward. I mean Harry had some morning sickness but nothing like this." Liam explained and the nurse nodded. The nurse took some notes and did Harry's vitals and his blood pressure was low but the nurse guessed that was due to dehydration. "I will get a Dr to assess Harry but in the mean time it would be great if you could do a urine sample. Liam nodded and the nurse left giving them privacy saying the doctor would be in in around 5 minutes. Harry shut his eye's. "Come Haz you cant sleep we need to do urine sample. "Liam I have nothing in me, how do you expect me to go to the toilet." Harry asked and Liam shrugged as he actually had a valid point there. "We will just wait till they connect fluids up to you via an IV. " Liam said as the Dr walked in.

The Dr came in to examine Harry. The Dr assessed Harry and put a cannula in Harry and took some bloods. "One of the tests we are doing with the blood is to confirm the pregnancy. But we will still need a urine sample as I want to rule out a urine infection." The Dr explsined before asking The nurse for a bag of fluids. Harry nodded along with Liam. "How long do you think we'll be here?" Liam asked. "It's hard to say." The dr said and Liam sighed as that wasn't the answer he wanted as that could mean Harry could be here a while. The Dr wanted the results but if Harry was pregnant he would want to keep him as it's dangerous not being able to keep anything down. Liam off course knew all this already and knew it would be for the best. The nurse connected fluids up to Harry's IV line.

Niall was cuddled into Anne sniffling quietly every now and again. He had never seen one of his parents like that before and to be honest it had scared the 7 year old."He's going to be fine Ni, that's why your papa has taken him to the hospital so he can get better." Anne reassured him and Niall just responded by snuggling further into Anne. Anne stroked nialls hair comforting and the boy soon fell asleep. Niall woke up again around 5 and since Anne hadn't been back asleep was quick to wrap the boy in a big hug.

"You Okay sweetie?" Anne asked. "Daddy, Papa?" Niall whimpered and Anne knew the boy was upset straight away when he referred to Harry by Daddy. "There still at the hospital sweetie." Anne said gently while rubbing the boys back. Niall nodded sadly and Anne hugged the boy to comfort him. Anne tried not to wake Louis up. Unfortunately for Anne Louis did wake and looked extremely confused seeing Niall crying and Anne comforting him. "Grandma?" Louis asked and Anne sighed motioning for the boy over knowing he was about to ask the question that she didn't want to answer.

Louis walked over with his blabket and cuddled niall. "Nini don't like seeing you sad"louis said Niall smiled sadly at his little brother remembering what his papa had told him. "I'm alright lou." Niall said and Louis nodded before looking up at Anne. "Grandma Where's Papa?" Louis asked pretty sure when he fell asleep Liam was down here. Anne didn't know how to explain to the boy he hadn't even known anything was wrong with his daddy just that he was tired.

"Lou daddy got really sick in the night, so you know how last month you saw a special doctor at the hospital?" Anne said and Louis nodded before Anne carried on. "Well papa's taken daddy to see a special doctor as well." "But Why is Ni crying, no one cried when I went?" Louis asked still quite confused as nothing bad had happened to him.

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