When Anne reached the bedroom she sighed sadly seeing both her children but couldn't quite mask the slight smile on her face when she thought about what Karen had suggested. "Gem I'll take Harry onto the bathroom while you finish making the bed ." Anne said. Anne held the bucket and led the boy in to the bathroom. "Mum when will this stop." Harry asked as he threw up again into the bucket once they reached the bathroom." "Soon hopefully." Anne said and Harry just nodded.

Gemma had finished making the bed do informed Anne the bed was made. Gemma sighed as she heard her brother puke into the toilet. Gemma grabbed the dirty sheets and took them down. However stopped when she saw her mum, Liam and Louis in his papa's arms in the kitchen as they was where the washing machine was. Gemma decided to just go on in as she couldn't leave the dirty sheets and just hoped Louis didn't smell them or anything. Louis caught sight of Gemma when she walked in and waved smiling and Gemma smiled back quickly putting the sheets in the wash.

Harry stopped vomiting and his mum helped him to bed. "When will this stop" Harry moaned not realising what everyone else had clicked on. Anne decided to not say anything to Harry as she decided Liam would probably want to tell him so instead she just let her son cuddle while they watched whatever TV was on. Harry soon fell asleep and Anne cuddled her son now smiling slightly at the thought of a possible another grandchild but was sad as she knew Harry would suffer.

"What that?" She heard louis ask as she guessed he was referring to the sheets she had put in the wash. "It's washing lou." Gemma said turning the machine on once it was set and Louis just nodded. "Do you want to come and play?" Gemma asked but the boy shook his head just wanting his papa that day. "He's Alright Gemma He's a bit clingy today and won't leave my side." Liam said and Gemma nodded. Gemma put the washing on and then washed her hands and went to play with Niall, robin and Geoff.

"Is dad ok" Niall asked. He will be." Gemma said. "Louis can you come to nana for a bit" Karen said. Louis snuggled up to his papa as Liam scrolled through his phone to see if any pharmacies are open. "Why are you so clingy today Hmm." Liam said and he knew even if he could find a pharmacy that was open either Louis would end up going with him or someone else would have to go.

"Come on Louis I want a cuddle." Karen said but the clingy boy didn't make any movement. "Loulou nana needs her Louis cuddles otherwise she will be sad" Liam said. Louis looked at his nana pondering the idea. Karen had a sad face on. "No like nana sad" Louis said. "Well I'm sure nana won't be sad if you give her cuddle." Liam said and Louis looked up at Liam. "Stay in same room though." Louis said and Liam just nodded and with that Louis slid down from his papa's lap and walked over to Karen. Karen smiled and picked her grandson up and cuddled him. Louis snuggled into his nana.

Liam smiled at the pair but knew he couldn't leave to check his husband. Liam continued searching for pharmacy's open on Christmas Day but it was proving difficult as nowhere was open as why would anyone want to work Christmas Day. I mean Liam knew he certainly didn't. Giving up he decided he would just head to one in the morning and for now spend the rest of Christmas with his 2 sons as who knows maybe by next Christmas he'll have 3 kids.

"Shall we go and see what niall is up to and play in the back room." Liam suggested. "You coming?" Louis asked and Liam nodded so Karen put the boy down who took Liam's hand and the pair made there way to the backroom along with Karen who needed to get Geoff anyway as they needed to head off to Ruth's. Geoff and Karen said bye to everyone before they headed of. This left Liam, robin and Gemma playing with the two boys.

"Want daddy" Louis asked Liam. "I know lou but he's really tired." Liam said and the boy just shrugged. "Can I just cuddle daddy even if he is asleep." Louis asked and Liam sighed looking at Gemma as he knew he couldn't let Louis upstairs with harry throwing up as Louis will just have a breakdown but he also knows the boy is getting increasingly annoyed about being separated from harry. Liam didn't know what to say. "Lou how about we make dad something and we can give it to him when he isn't tired." Niall said. Liam smiled at his eldest quick thinking. "Make what?" Louis asked and Niall shrugged. "Doesn't matter he'll like anything I mean you got loads of new crafts stuff for your birthday and Christmas we can use that." Niall suggested and Louis nodded.

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