Anne asked niall what he wanted to do and niall said play a game as it was raining outside so he knew he wouldn't be allowed out in the rain. Anne smiled and they went into the back room and played a game being careful of all the bits for Louis party later. Karen came to join the pair as they played frustration.

Unbeknown to everyone Harry had woken a couple times feeling nauseous and sick. He was sick once and was just nauseous the other time. Harry groaned he couldn't believe he had picked up a bug on his son's birthday and christmas. It hasn't been the first time he had been sick around thud time having had the flu round Christmas two years ago on Louis third birthday being bed ridden. Harry had managed to fall asleep again and hoped when he woke the nauseas feeling would have left as he just wanted to be downstairs with the rest of his family.

Liam quietly talked to his dad and Robin as Louis slept cuddled up to his papa as Liam gently played with his hair. Niall was happily playing with his grandma and nana But was quickly becoming hungry. "Can I have something to eat please." Niall asked and Karen nodded. "I don't see why not." She said getting up to look In the fridge but she wasn't sure what was to just eat and what was being kept for later today and Christmas so she went and asked Liam. Liam told her to just make a sandwich for ni and asked if anyone else wanted anything as Louis slept.

Harry wasn't so lucky as he didn't sleep long and woke up with an achy stomach not sure what way it was coming out he went to sit on the toilet as grabbed the bin. Liam heard the rushed footsteps coming from upstairs and decided to go and find out what harry was doing as he said he didn't feel to great earlier. "Dad can you take lou, I'm going to check on Haz." Liam said and Geoff nodded taking the small boy into his arms as Liam got up and ran up the stairs into his and Harry's room. Luckily Louis didn't move as he was transferred Into Geoffs lap.

Liam came up to the bedroom and knocked on the bathroom door. "Babe it's me you ok in there do you need me to come in." Liam asked. "No I'm fine." Harry reassured but Liam knew he was lying and once he heard Harry throwing up he had had enough of being kept in the dark about his husband and what was going on with him. Liam went in and took in the sight and went to comfort Harry rubbing his back. "Shhh it's ok" Liam soothed. Harry finally let his guard down. "Don't feel g...." Harry said before gagging. Liam made sure the bucket was in place before Harry gagged again throwing up. "Why now." Harry whined and Liam sighed. "There's not much we can do about it Haz." Liam said rubbing his back not really believing what was happening himself. "Have you gone or just thrown up" Liam asked his husband as he rubbed the man's back. "Just thrown up." Harry mumbled and Liam sighed. "I'm guessing from your position though you felt like you needed to go both ways." Liam questioned and Harry nodded. "Do you still need to go and do you want to go back to bed" Liam said. Harry shrugged. Let's get you to bed then as Liam helped his husband up."What about Louis' birthday. I can't help if I'm in bed." Harry said as he got comfortable. "Haz if this is some bug your better off away from everyone so you don't get anyone else sick and with it being Christmas tomorrow hopefully a bit of rest and your be Alright." Liam said and Harry sighed but nodded. "If I'm not allowed down though I want you down there the whole time not up here with me. I still want Louis to have a great birthday and he won't without at least you down there."

"Haz he'll be fine." Liam said. "Liam this is all I'm asking." Harry said. "Alright. Alright I'm going. Text me though if you need anything." Liam said and Harry nodded as Liam left the room reluctantly. Harry lay back down trying to go back to sleep.The doorbell went and Robin went to let Ruth and co in. "Hey Robin." Ruth greeted and Robin smiled before Jake ran past heading into the kitchen obviously hearing Niall. "Sorry he's a bit excited. Where's birthday boy?" Ruth asked looking around.

"Having a nap." Robin said and both Ruth and Sam nodded. "Do you know where Liam and Harry want presents to go? I've got Christmas presents for both boys as well." Ruth said looking around for her brother and brother in law. "I'm not sure there both upstairs at the Moment, maybe make a pile of the birthday presents on the kitchen table and then the Christmas presents could go under the tree." Robin suggested and Ruth nodded doing that as Sam walked through to the kitchen.

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