Harry dropped Niall of at breakfast club and spoke to the receptionist. Once Harry had everything sorted at the school he headed home and found the house very quiet. If he didn't know better he would have thought Liam would have left the 4 year old alone. He then went searching and found Liam and Louis in Louis' bed where Louis was curled into Liam's side. "Hey love, you better get going." Harry said to Liam who nodded and carefully got up. "Why are you in here anyway?" Harry asked switching places with Liam and letting Louis cuddle into his side.

"He woke up and wanted cuddles so I brought him back to bed and said I would cuddle in here with him. Anyway I'm heading for work I'll see you later." Liam said and Harry nodded waving slightly to Liam. Harry carefully took Liam's place and cuddled Louis and fell back to sleep.

Liam got to work and got a handover from one of his colleagues and set of to see his first patient. Liam had an extremely busy morning and didn't stop at all until lunch time.

Harry and Louis both slept until around 12 when Louis woke up and asked his daddy to play with him as Louis had said he didn't really want to go to school as he didn't feel awake enough when Harry had given him the option. Niall had survived the morning and was doing pretty well but by the time lunch time came around he just wanted a nap. He told his teacher and she rang Harry who put Louis in His car seat and said they were picking Niall up. Louis nodded.

When they reached the school Harry got Louis out and placed him on his hip with the boy placing his head down on Harry's shoulder. When Harry reached the reception the receptionist went to get Niall and when she returned Harry could tell straight away that Niall would be asleep the minute he got in the car. "Ni sweetie I can't carry you to the car I'm afraid" Harrry said. Niall nodded and took his dad's Hand as they slowly walked to the car. Once they reached the car Harry got Louis buckled in before helping Niall into the car and like he expected as soon as he started driving home Niall was asleep.

Once home, Harry carried a sleeping Louis in first and then a sleeping Niall setting them on separate sofas in the front room to each other. Harry smiled at the pair. Harry quietly left the room and headed into the kitchen to make something for lunch before returning to the living room and turning the TV on low so it wouldn't wake either boy. Harry ate his lunch as his babies slept. The afternoon remained like that with Harry setting Louis feed up as he hadn't had any milkshakes that say. Niall slept all the way through to dinner till Harry woke the boy up.

Niall whined and stretched as harry woke him up and slowly but surely the boy sat up and rubbed his eyes before smiling at his dad. "Dinners done baby." Harry said and Niall nodded before getting up and running into the kitchen making Harry smile as the boy was defiantly more energetic that day than he had been the previous couple of days. Niall beamed as he saw spag Bolognese. They both ate and then Harry put Louis to bed before he washed up.

"Dad can we watch a film?" Niall asked as harry came into the room. "Wouldn't you rather go to bed?" Harry asked since Niall had been going to bed pretty early the last few nights. "No I'm not tired." Niall said so Harry nodded before letting Niall choose a film and then let the boy cuddle into his side. They enjoyed the film. Harry paused it half way through and asked if Niall wanted a bath or a shower. The boy decided to shower.

Harry smiled as he watched Niall head upstairs relieved that the boy was becoming more independent again. When Niall was finished in the shower he put on some clean pyjamas before heading into the kitchen. "What you doing in there love?" Harry called hearing rustling in the cupboards before the fridge opening. "Looking for something nice to eat." Niall stated before walking into the living room empty handed.

"I think there's some ice cream in the feezer." Harry said and Niall smiled before running back into the kitchen Harry close behind. Niall sat at the table and Harry went to the freezer and got the ice cream out and then two bowls and did two small portions of ice cream. Harry grabbed two bowls. "Come on let's eat this while watching the film" Harry said.

Lirry's suprise bundle of joyजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें