Harry decided to do some jobs around the house. Louis did some colouring but soon got bored and went to play with his trains. "Woah were are you going?" Harry asked as he saw Louis heading for the living room. "To play with my trains." Louis said. "You can't go in there baby, Niall's asleep," Harry said. "But I want to play with my trains." Louis moaned. "Why don't you go and play with your cars there in the playroom." Harry said but Louis wasn't happy. "No play with my trains." Louis moaned . "Louis don't raise your voice your wake Niall." Harry warned. "I'll be very quite or daddy can you get my trains for me in the back room please." Louis asked.

Harry couldn't deny the boy that as asked very nicely. Harry quietly went and got the box with Louis train tracks in and took it into the extension. "Thank you." Louis said as he followed Harry into the extension. "I'll be in the kitchen if you need me Yeah, as I need to start making dinner." Harry said and Louis nodded before setting to work on connecting his train track pieces together and Harry smiled at the boy before ruffling his hair and leaving him be.

Harry went to check niall before starting on dinner. He knew the boy was exhausted from the weekend so he wasn't bothered. Harry did something easy for dinner as he couldn't really be bothered. He also wasn't sure with niall being this exhausted he would eat much. He obviously made some for Liam to reheat whrn he got home. When dinner was nearly ready Harry went to wake Niall. "Ni Baby, wake up." Harry said softly and the boy whined slightly before opening his eyes. "Come on Love I've made some dinner and then you can have a bath or shower and have an early night." Harry said and Niall nodded before Harry helped the boy up and guided him into the kitchen.

Niall was exhausted and barely touched his dinner. Once Harry was done he checked on Louis in the back room and the boy had fallen asleep mid way playing with his trains. Harry laughed and picked the boy up telling Niall he will be downstairs in 5 minutes. Niall nodded sleepily and Harry quickly took Louis upstairs getting him changed and into a pull-up before tucking him into bed and then heading downstairs.

"Do you want a bath Ni?" Harry asked gently running a hand through Niall's hair knowing the boy needed to wash but he didn't think Niall would cope with a shower. Niall nodded and raised his arms not wanting to walk and Harry chuckled picking the boy up and heading into the bathroom. Harry picked Niall up and carried him upstairs. Harry placed niall down before running and bath. Even though Niall normally showers himself Harry helped wash the boy as he was falling asleep. Harry did it quickly before getting the boy out and wrapping him in a towel. He then went to grab pj's for Niall before helping the tired boy get dressed. Harry then carried the boy to bed and turned his night light on.

Harry then went downstairs and cleared dinner and did a few chores before sitting down in front of the tv. Liam came home at just gone 9 and smiled seeing Harry who sat up seeing his husband. "Hey love." Liam said as he walked past and into the kitchen where Harry followed. "Hey How was work." Harry asked. "Good, I spoke to Louis' doctor today and he wants to see him again Friday afternoon at 3." Liam said and Harry nodded. "Yeah that's fine." Harry said writing it down on the calendar.

"How were the boys tonight?" Liam asked placing his dinner in the microwave. "Umm they seemed to have complelety swapped personalities." Harry said. "What?" Liam asked confused. "Louis had loads and loads of energy this evening but Niall just couldn't stay awake. He had a nap on the sofa then was to tired to eat much dinner and then I had to bath him where he was nearly falling asleep." "Poor thing, weekend has obviously tired him out not that I'm surprised. We also let him stay up late Saturday night." Liam said as he got his dinner out the microwave and then headed into the living room Harry following closely behind.

Liam ate his dinner before the pair cuddled. They hugged for awhile before going upstairs. Liam went into kiss both boys and carefully changed Louis pull up. "They both still asleep?" Harry asked. Harry was asleep with minutes of watching something. Liam smiled and watched tv for awhile before switching it of and going to sleep himself. "Yeah Louis didn't even wake when I changed his pull-up." Liam said as he climbed into the bed.

Lirry's suprise bundle of joyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora