Chapter 45

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Chapter 45: Healed my wounds

- Astrid pov -

6 months later

I smiled happily at the group of friends I had around me. The gang and I were all over at me and Hiccups house having a movie marathon. And it was some of the most fun I've had in ages to say the least. I smiled up at Hiccup while eating a piece of pop corn.

With eating I was much better, I was no where near as self conscious as I was 6 months ago. I finally realised that Hiccup didn't care if I was skinny or fat he just wanted me to be happy and I couldn't thank him enough. Hiccup pulled me in for a sweet kiss on the lips. I pulled away smiling at him as I sat in his lap just loving the warmth his body gave me.

We where all 1 week away from graduating and all of us are nervous so we'll all decided to have a movie marathon where we can all just forget about school and homework and just hang out with our friends.

I just rolled my eyes when a cliche part of the movie came on. I mean the movie was about a girl needing someone to save her and a guy comes in and everything is better in the girls life, she gets the scholarship and her Mum somehow starts loving her again.

Wait how ironic...

Looking around the room I realised how thankful I am to have these people by my side all day with out them I wouldn't be 5 months clean of cutting.

Without Hiccup I would of never made it through I would of died a long time before. At the start of this year I didn't think I was going to even get close to making it through the school year but I guess I was wrong. Having all these people here supporting me every step of the way is all I need.

"What you thinking about?" Hiccup questioned as I snuggled even closer to him. I just shrugged my shoulders leaning up to give him a kiss on the cheek.

Everyone had their eyes on the tv when I went out to get us all some snacks. I made my way into the kitchen and got a packet of chips and some drinks for us all. When I came back into the room I heard the gang talking quietly about me. I stopped and listened to what they had to say.

"I'm just so happy she's happy," Heather snuggled into Fishlegs chest while he agreed. Heather and Fishlegs where my otp no matter what.

"Same I just couldn't image what it would be like without her," Snotlout ran his hand through his hair while giving the gang a small smile. Both the twins agreed saying that they are glad I'm here. I smiled wide when hearing that my friends truly cared and wanted me here. They like me as a person and that thought alone made my stomach flip.

"I'm back with food," I announced as I walked into the room with a handful of snacks for everyone. Everyone dug in while I just sat back and watched with a smile. All these people here in this room made me want to live, they made life worth living. I looked up at Hiccup who took his gaze away from the television to look at me. I smiled as I sat up a bit looking him in the eyes as I spoke to him

"I love you Hiccup, You healed my wounds. You made me happy again."

The end

Thankyou all for such an amazing journey of almost a year now. It has been fantastic and my writing has grown over the year. I am still young and have a lot to learn but Thankyou for whoever read this It was my first real book ever. ❤️

Shoutout to all those people that comment/vote every chapter. I do see you and I want to Thankyou.

Well 45 chapters later here we are! Thankyou for an amazing journey of my first book ever! And I hope there will be more soon ❤️

- scarlett xoxo

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