Chapter 42

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Chapter 42: getting better
- 3 weeks later -
Astrid's pov

To say things had changed was an understatement. After I had tried to take my life we went home and told Stoick about my suicide attempts. He was slightly shocked and had a few tears but he was quick to help book appointments with a therapist. Hiccup and Stoick made sure I went to a therapist 4 times a week so I could improve and talk to someone just about anything.

The same day I went to the therapist they booked me a doctors appointment and got a prescription of anti-depressants for me to take.

The night I came back from the therapist hiccup had decided to tell his dad about his self harm. When he did Stoick had tears in his eyes not thinking his son would ever try and purposely hurt himself but Stoick made him go to a therapist 2 times a week. I could already tell that in the short time that Hiccup was happier I don't know what it was but something in his body language and his eyes seemed happier. His eyes where brighter as well as he was more vibrant and glowing.

Hiccup wasn't the only happy one I had been feeling a lot better and happier I had been taking anti-depressants and had been feeling much more willing to do stuff. Of course the throughts came back everyone once in a while and I wanted to cut but I didn't. I was 2 weeks clean today and words can't describe how excited I am to tell Hiccup when he wakes up.

About a week after my suicide attempt Stoick announced he had to leave again and Hiccup was a crying mess for about 2 nights. I was worried that hiccup would try and hurt himself but he reassured me that he would be fine. So that night I fell asleep in Hiccups arms as I reassured him that I wasn't going anywhere and would always be there for him.


I tiredly rubbed my eyes as I started making some cereal for me too eat. My eating habits had changed dramatically I was eating a lot more and feeling a little bit better about how I looked. Of course everyone few days I would be feeling bad and miss lunch but Hiccup would always notice and be there to reassure me that no matter what I look like he will love me.

As I sat down on the stool I heard a whistle from behind me and turned around to see Hiccup biting his lip looking me up and down. I was dressed in a oversized jumper and some pink panties. I was feeling a lot more comfortable around Hiccup. I consciously pulled down the jumper past my thighs not wanting Hiccup to have to look at my cut up thighs. Even though they where all scars I didn't want him to look and realise how many there actually where littering my upper thighs.

"Baby don't be insecure I think your beautiful," Hiccup leaned over and gave me a sweet kiss on the cheek making me blush beet red.

"Sorry," I mumbled to him as I let go of the jumper letting it ride up my legs so my scars where in full view for him to see. Hiccup didn't notice them as he walked around the kitchen and got himself some breakfast humming quietly to himself as he poured some milk into his cereal.

"Proud of you for getting some breakfast," Hiccup smiled at me one of his proud smiled I had grown to get used to over the past couple of weeks.

He walked around and sat beside me on the stools as we talked and ate our breakfast together. We mainly talked about what assignments were coming up and what tests each of us had to study for.

When I was finished eating I got up and went to put the dishes into the dishwasher. But when I turned around I saw Hiccup looking straight at my thighs. I nervously pulled at the jumper mentally scolding myself for not wearing some longer pants.

"Stop," I mumbled at Hiccup wanting him not to be looking at my scared up thighs. I realised that Hiccup probably didn't want to see the ugly scars and I should go cover up. My insecurities started creeping back in, because I wanted to run to my room, put on some baggy pants and watch stranger things all day... but I couldn't

"I'm sorry, I just want you to know how much I love you and that I'm so proud of you for being 2 weeks clean," Hiccup gently pulled me onto his lap as I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"You remembered?" I asked surprised that Hiccup would remember how many days clean I was. But just him knowing mad a wide smile creep onto my face.

"Of course I did Astrid," Hiccup smiled as he gently ran his hands over my scared thighs. I nervously looked downwards being embarrassed at having the cuts all out in the open.

"Don't be embarrassed baby," Hiccup leaned in and placed a sweet kiss on my lips making my eyes flutter shut. Slowly I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him in for another kiss but this time it was a lot more passionate the. Before.

His hands slowly crept down to rest on my waist, squeezing gently at the skin on my hip. I let out a moan when Hiccup ran his tongue over my lip. I blushed red as Hiccup smirked clearly know what he was doing to me.

Slowly both of our tongues fought together making an amazing feeling eroupt through me. Hiccup let out a low moan as I slowly moved against him feeling his slight bulge in his pants.

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- Asty xoxo

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